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Tutustu WILLIAMS GUN SIGHTin valokuitutähtäinsarjaan Ruger GP100:lle! 🌟 Helppo asentaa ja kirkas näkyvyys ampumiseen.


053506709588 962000093


Ruger GP100, RH, SBH, SBHH, vihreä/oranssi
134.9 EUR 0 134,90 € *
Malli: GP100, Red Hawk Tuotenro: 962000093
Voi laittaa jälkitilaukseen
134.9 EUR 0 134,90 € *
Ruger Single Six .22 ja .32, vihreä/oranssi
134.9 EUR 1 134,90 € *
Malli: Single Six Tuotenro: 962000096
134.9 EUR 1 134,90 € *
134.9 134.9 2 EUR
134.9 EUR 134,90 €

Hintoihin sisältyy ALV, toimitus aina 10€ per tilaus.

Tuotenro: 962000093

Valm.nro: 70958

053506709588 Valokuitutähtäinsarja Ruger GP100, Redhawk ja Super Redhawk revolvereihin. Helppo asentaa alkuperäisten tähtäimien paikalle. Meiltä löydät valokuitutähtäimiä myös useimpiin muihin aseisiin. Valokuitutähtäinsarja Ruger GP100, Redhawk ja Super Redhawk revolvereihin. Helppo asentaa alkuperäisten tähtäimien paikalle. Meiltä löydät valokuitutähtäimiä myös useimpiin muihin aseisiin.
Voi laittaa jälkitilaukseen


Ruger GP100, RH, SBH, SBHH, vihreä/oranssi
134.9 EUR 0 134,90 € *
Malli: GP100, Red Hawk Tuotenro: 962000093
Voi laittaa jälkitilaukseen
134.9 EUR 0 134,90 € *
Ruger Single Six .22 ja .32, vihreä/oranssi
134.9 EUR 1 134,90 € *
Malli: Single Six Tuotenro: 962000096
134.9 EUR 1 134,90 € *


Näytä alkuperäinen (englanti)
Valokuitutähtäinsarja Ruger GP100, Redhawk ja Super Redhawk revolvereihin. Helppo asentaa alkuperäisten tähtäimien paikalle. Meiltä löydät valokuitutähtäimiä myös useimpiin muihin aseisiin.


  • Asetyyppi: Ruger
  • Malli: GP100,Red Hawk
  • Tyyli: Adjustable,3-Dot,Fiber Optic
  • Tähtäimen väri: Orange/Green
  • Toimituksen paino: 0,032kg
  • Toimituksen korkeus: 30mm
  • Toimituksen leveys: 99mm
  • Toimituksen pituus: 155mm
  • UPC: 053506709588


Made in USA


Asiakasarviot (6)

4,2 / 5
Suosittelen jossain määrin

Brownells USA Very disappointed with these sights. 23.9.2018

I eagerly anticipated getting these sights for my Redhawk. I double checked I was ordering the correct ones. As others have mentioned, they are an easy install. Target acquisition much easier. The problems started when I went to use them. I was using target loads to begin with, it was shooting quite high. Lowered the sights but still shooting high. I bottomed out the sights and they are still high. Tried 240 gr. Hornadays and they are shooting quite high as well. I assume the front sight is too low.

So, as they are, not much use to me. Very disappointed.


Brownells USA Good sights that have lasted, see review 16.6.2016

I swapped these sights from my factory gp100 sights. These sights go on very easy and it would likely take an average person to get these swapped out in a short period of time (e.g. a minute or two).

I noticed that my grouping tightened up some and my target picture acquisition was much quicker. One can make use of these sights in near dusk and dawn conditions and still shoot accurately.

Lastly the I have had this particular set of sights on my gp100 for almost 6 years now and they are still going strong. I have put over 9000 rounds of 38 and at least 4000 rounds of 357 through my pistol and the sights are as accurate today as when I placed it on there.

The reasoning I gave these sights a 4 star instead of a 5 star rating is that I like having very robust sights. This stems from my time when I was active duty and have seen how soldiers treat their weapons from time to time. The front sight in this particular instance, to me, appears to be the weak point if one were to drop it from a medium to high distance onto a hard surface. I don't believe they are flimsy, yet the design should make the user be careful of their front post. I have yet to break mine, but I also have not allowed it to be dropped.


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Brownells Finland Oy
Kutojantie 3
02630 Espoo

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