The Powder River Precision XD/XDM Drop In Trigger Kit contains their famous striker safety lever, which removes the long trigger pre-travel on XD triggers. The kit includes reduced power; trigger spring, sear spring, striker safety spring, and striker spring. These reduced power springs allow for a lowered pull weight. The PRP Drop in Trigger is constructed of lightweight polymer that assists in speeding up trigger reset. It also has an integral over travel stop on the back of the trigger. This integral stop removes added stress on the trigger bar that is present with other over travel stop methods. When installed, this kit provides a short, crisp trigger pull (3.5-4.5lbs) with a fast reset and shortened overall trigger pull length. Available for all XD/XDM except for the 45 XD with thumb safety. The XDM model has received the American Pistolsmith Guild Seal of Approval.
SPECS: Polymer trigger. Reduced power trigger, striker and strike springs. 3.5-4.5lbs pull weight. NOTE: The XD Sub Compact (100-009-750) is for 9mm/.40 only. Does NOT fit XDS. Use 100-009-749 for all the XD .45 models EXCEPT the .45 cal thumb safety model.
Powder River Precision XD/XDM Drop In Trigger Kit sisältää heidän kuuluisan iskuturvavipunsa, joka poistaa pitkän esiliikkeen XD liipaisimista. Sarja sisältää vähennetyn tehon; liipaisinjousen, sulkujousen, iskuturvajousen ja iskurijousen. Nämä vähennetyn tehon jouset mahdollistavat alennetun vetopainon. PRP Drop In Trigger on valmistettu kevyestä polymeeristä, joka auttaa nopeuttamaan liipaisimen palautusta. Siinä on myös sisäänrakennettu yliliikkeen stopperi liipaisimen takana. Tämä sisäänrakennettu stopperi poistaa lisärasituksen liipaisintangosta, joka on läsnä muiden yliliikkeen stopperimenetelmien kanssa. Asennettuna tämä sarja tarjoaa lyhyen, napakan liipaisuvedon (3.5-4.5lbs) nopealla palautuksella ja lyhennetyllä kokonaisliipaisuvedon pituudella. Saatavilla kaikkiin XD/XDM malleihin lukuun ottamatta 45 XD mallia peukaloturvallisuudella. XDM-malli on saanut American Pistolsmith Guildin hyväksynnän.
SPECS: Polymeeriliipaisin. Vähennetty tehon liipaisin, iskulaite ja iskuvedet. 3.5-4.5lbs vetopaino. HUOM: XD Sub Compact (100-009-750) on vain 9mm/.40 varten. Ei sovi XDS-malleihin. Käytä 100-009-749 kaikkiin XD .45 malleihin PAITSI .45 cal peukaloturvallisuusmalliin.
Arvioiden lukumäärä: 37
Arvostelut sivustolla: 37
Arvioiden keskiarvo: 4,9
HUGE improvement(26.4.2014)
I would highly recommend this to anyone owning the XDm 45. I own 2 XDm's, 1 9mm and 1 .45cal. The 9mm shot and felt great right out of the box. The .45cal did not shoot quite as good to put it mildly. With the 9mm, I could literally play connect the dots. With the .45cal I was a little embarrassed for anyone to see my target. I felt a very noticeable difference in the triggers between my 9mm and .45cal. The 9mm had a long pull and reset. But the .45cal felt like it had a longer pull abd reset. I chalked this up as the reason for the difference in their perfomance. After all, it couldn't possibly be me, right? Honestly, I can pick the center out of the target with a 1911. And I am a pretty big guy with a bit of experience behind the trigger. So me handling the .45cal cartridge is not the issue. Anyway, I started looking into trigger jobs and replacement kits. In my research, I noticed a lot of hype about these PRP triggers for the XDm. And I found that PRP offers more than 1 solution for them too. To keep it short and sweet, I took the path of least resistence and opted for the drop-in kit. Let's face it, I'm not a gunsmith and I wasn't looking to shell out a lot more money. Installation was fairly easy given patience, the right tools, and following the video on the manufacturer's website. The results are a MUCH improved trigger! The pull weight, length of pull and reset have all been noticeably improved. And the end result is a much more accurate firearm. Oh, to keep the feel and looks (yes, I went there) the same, I installed the drop-in kit on my 9mm too.
Should be standard(29.11.2014)
This drop in trigger made a dramatic difference. Stock trigger felt "mushy," while this one is just shy of being match level crisp. The reduced trigger pull and short reset, along with the Advantage Tactical sights I instaled, made both the initial and follow up shops fast and accurate. I'm not sure why this trigger isn't the factory standard, and am moderately annoyed I have to shell out an extra $110 to make the XDM carry worthy.
Well worth the money(20.8.2016)
The OEM trigger on the XDM 45 Competition is far from the best. Too much take up, a vague break and long reset.
This kit is actually an upgrade your can order installed from Springfield making it IDPA legal. The kit from Brownell's is the same kit, but you have the option of 2 different sets of springs. One set is gives a lighter pull weight and is not for carry.
The kit is easy to install and makes a world of difference. My trigger pull weight dropped from 6.5 to just under 4 pounds.
Great fitting Upgrade(3.4.2014)
This trigger kit was a great fitting upgrade & easy to complete. Fit on my 3.8" Compact XDm, cutting pull force & reset by half.
Nice upgrade(26.4.2014)
This is not really difficult for anyone to do so long as you take your time, have the correct tools, and follow the video posted on the manufacturer's website. The pull length, weight and reset have been noticeably improved. I would recommend this to anyone owning an XDm. It is probably the most cost effective upgrade you can do to improve the way the gun actually shoots.
I ordered a 2nd for my other XDm(17.5.2014)
Stated: When installed, this kit provides a short, crisp trigger pull (3.5-4.5lbs) with a fast reset and shortened overall trigger pull length. My trigger pull was 3.0 lbs. with the competition springs installed. (You get two sets of springs. They both lower your trigger pull, but the competition springs really bring it down.) Just follow the videos step by step and take pictures before you pull the parts out, so you can feel more comfortable with the process.
Huge improvement and easy install(20.8.2014)
Huge improvement to the trigger. It makes the gun much more accurate and pleasant to shoot. Considering the grip safety of my 3.8 XDM Compact, I am not concerned about a decrease in safety with a lighter trigger as long as proper holstering and trigger discipline are practiced.
Install was not challenging though I took my time and was careful using the videos as a guide.
Best money spent so far.(5.4.2015)
Best 109.00 spent. I installed it in about 30 min, 10 of those were looking for the spring detant in the slide. My shooting times improved greatly and people asked what I did. Showed them and every response was " where did you get that?"
Excellent Upgrade(27.4.2015)
I installed this trigger kit last night on a 40 cal. Bi-tone XDM.
This is the best upgrade you can do. I installed the blue springs, which are the competition springs. Trigger is light, reset is very short! The only thing I had to watch is re-installing the block, make sure the slide lock is lined up with the pin when you punch the pin through. Pretty simple install, with video! Will be trying shortly!!!
Great upgrade for my XDM 3.8" 9MM(5.5.2015)
I installed the kit in about 30-45 minutes. A very easy install which requires no modification to gun or internal parts. The trigger did require just a bit of tweaking with some emery paper (400 grit). The new trigger, over-travel stop needed dressing down a bit. I installed the "light" springs and saved the "competition" springs for a possible future use. Lowered my trigger-pull from 6 1/4 lbs to 4 lbs. Shortened the reset and length of pull considerably. This is excellent for my self-defense, carry gun. Just make sure you order the correct kit for your gun. The kits for the "XD" will not work in the "XDM". I ordered the wrong kit the first time and spent most of a day trying to get it to work, with no success. The correct parts made all the difference. Trigger pull is now short and crisp, as is the reset. Try it, You'll like it !!!
Great trigger mod!(19.11.2015)
I installed this trigger in about 30 minutes. It was a fairly easy process and the manufacturer provides a detailed video if you need help getting it installed. Prior to the install, my trigger pull weight was just over 6.5 lbs. After the install, I was just under 4.5 lbs pull wait. The reset was cut down in half and due to the overtravel stop, the length of pull was significantly lessened. All in all, a great trigger that I would recommend to anyone.
Truly "DROP IN " XDM 9mm 4,5" bitone(28.12.2015)
This was a true "drop in" trigger kit for me .No sanding grinding ore filing involved. Follow the YouTube video instructions and you're good to go.
I have a VP9 and a PPQ and this kit puts the XDM trigger right there with the other 2.
First let em say, I'm not a gun-smith. I do have some mechanical abilities so I thought that I would try and tackle this upgrade to my XDM 40 3.8 standard.
It took me longer to watch the video than it took to do the actual work. The total time was 30 minutes. I was taking my time watching the video and going back and fourth. The next one will only take me less than 15 minutes, if that.
I would highly recommend this trigger replacement.
Springfield should have done this in the beginning to the entire
line of pistols they offer.
Powder River Triggers will be installed on ALL of my XDM's !!
Thank you for such a great product.......................
If you dont have it... BUY IT NOW!!(2.2.2016)
I use my XDM .40 5.25 for USPSA shoots and local matches as well. This is not my carry gun. Love this trigger!!! Wow what a difference it made, short throw and short reset, lighter pull as well. All the stuff you need for competitive shooting. Easy install, just take your time and watch the video. I left one factory spring in to increase trigger pull weight for my uses. This is a must have! You will love your XDM even more! No regrets at all! This should be your first mod for this gun.
Pretty good upgrade. Missing Spring tho.(1.7.2017)
I used the Drop In Kit on a XDm 4.5 .40S&W. Original trigger had decent take-up, but not as long as most show for the XD, with a little over 6lb, crisp, break and no over travel to speak of. The reset was actually pretty good and short as well.
From the Kit I used the replacement Trigger, replacement Striker Safety Lever, the Sear Spring, and Reduced Power (blue) Trigger Spring. I did not use the Reduced Power Striker or Striker Safety Springs (this was the spring that was missing). I did not polish anything either. After install, the take up was reduced by ~80%-90%, break was even crispier at a consistent 4.5lb, and the over travel stop, on my gun, was already perfect with no over travel, so no sanding of the trigger was required. Reset is more audible and crisper, but not really tactile in feel.
If I had used the Striker Springs, the pull would probably have been reduced to below 4lbs, but I like 4.5lb range and wanted to maintain the ability to shoot harder primed rounds.
True Drop In(28.10.2017)
This was really a drop in trigger I did not have to make any alterations. My results were 5/16 pre travel 3/16 release, and a 5/16 reset to a 1/8 pre travel, 1/8 release, and a 3/16 reset. I can barely notice the movement at all and it has a crisp break at 3.8 lbs., from a formal 5.4 lbs. I believe this is worth the effort and cost to make this upgrade.
Absolutely Amazing(24.8.2012)
Amazing investment for your XD. Super simple to install and the youtube videos by the manufacturer are simple to follow. Took less than 30 minutes total (I am by no means a gun smith). Put a couple hundred rounds through my pistol with the trigger upgrade yesterday and had absolutely no issues. It was like shooting a new gun. Great feel, quick response.
From Standard to precision(11.4.2015)
The guy that I got the info from to install it was a bit vague. But being a fast learner was able to pick up what was required to install said kit. Once installed the gun became a great fast shooting asset for my type of discipline. Would recommend it to all shooters.
Bob Beattie
I installed this trigger kit in my XD-40 Sub-Compact that I carry as a backup. It is every bit as good as the trigger job Springfield's Custom Shop did on my XD 45 Service model. The trigger pull is much lighter and much shorter, It also has a much shorter reset allowing for quicker followup shots. I have since purchased these trigger kits for my other three XD's!!!!
Great product, better customer service(13.6.2012)
This kit is great. Works as advertised and cleans up the trigger pull in ways not quantifiable by just stating the change in pull weight. Installation was easy using the step-by-step instruction video on Powder River's YouTube channel.
My particular kit had a defect I couldn't correct that interfered with trigger reset, but this does not seem typical. Either way, Powder River quickly gave me a return label and offered to check it out for me. They paid the shipping for my XD both ways and, on discovering the problem with the kit, corrected it at their expense. Class act, y'all. I think I'll try to offset that cost a bit by recommending them to a few of my friends with XDs.
Wow. Much improved(16.2.2013)
Installed this on my Xd 45 and the You Tube video helped. Install was easy. Used a little filing to adjust the trigger stop -easy. Once installed the trigger was noticeably better with less over-travel, shorter reset and much less creep. Well worth the effort. After I installed this kit I bought another for my XDM 40 and I love it too.
Excellent product(19.2.2013)
Wow what an improvement. Seriously improved shot placement and grouping. Reset is much shorter and trigger is actually crisp to break now. I would highly recommend this and the extended magazine release also by powder river.
Great trigger kit(10.3.2013)
If you are handy with basic tools you should not have any trouble installing. Nice trigger pull..
Incredible amount of improvement(19.4.2014)
I have always had issues with the XD45 factory trigger. This easy to install kit completely changed the way mine handles. Vastly superior trigger pull, length of pull, sear reset and trigger control. I strongly recommend watching the powder river install vids available on YouTube BEFORE and during install. Install took about 45 min. I took more time than really necessary because I'm a neat freak with my guns and I didn't want to take too much off the over travel stop. Go slow, take your time. You will reap the rewards later.
I also installed the powder river stainless trigger pins to add a little something extra and was very impressed. Those who have shot it can't believe the improvement either.
Top Notch(22.5.2014)
Powder River nocked it out of the park!! Everything installed as designed. Functions as advertised. No fitting required for my kit. Pre-travel reduced by at least 2/3 if not more. Trigger pull at 2.5-3 lbs. If I purchase XD's in the future this trigger kit will be the first upgrade.
What an improvement(24.5.2014)
This kit did the trick! Anybody who owns a XD knows the trigger is the worst thig about the gun and this kit fixes that. With the easy to follow tutorial on YouTube (make sure it is from PRP) it took little effort to complete myself. The only drawback I had was the blue striker spring is a too light and I was getting misfires often. Put the OE spring back in and it works great!
Good Trigger(31.5.2012)
Easy to install, and works good. In my gun however, it needed some adjusting to the trigger stop. It was slightly too long and needed to be filed down about 1mm in order for it to work. Other than that it works good and is a big improvement over the factory trigger system.
Great Stuff(11.6.2012)
It doesn't get any better than this. Takes your XD to a new level!!!
A must!!(10.11.2012)
with the extra springs and parts I could do 2 guns different weight trigger but they are each different use 1 comp 1 carry.
Key to install the locking blockis lift the trigger really high and slide the ramp part over trigger and bar, then push back side down first pulling on the trigger as you press down.
By selecting between different springs both in the slide as well as frame you can get the perfect feel. ex. If I put in all the blue springs I didnt feel or hear the trigger reset, so i put the other trigger spring in and the click was loud and could be felt. (it was still working with the blue I just felt better hearing and feeling it).
If the trigger is to low with the blue striker spring installed then install the other. Thats what I did on the XD40, the blue was super soft and often didnt seem to be prepaired when it went off. I swapped the striker spring so that it was a tad bit more trigger pressure for combat use, its light enough that it wont just go off yet its light enough for accurate shots. Not to mention reset travel!!!!
Over all you will be so pleased with this. I watched the youtube videos after install and its just the same steps that I had done. Great video and great product....
Only issue with the video was the trigger triming. Having the trigger break right at the frame might not always fire. Be sure you cut 1/16 extra past break. WILL NOT HAVE ISSUES WITH OVER TRAVEL. It will always fire then.
WOW, great improvement!(14.11.2013)
Received this PRP drop-in trigger for my XD9, 2 days earlier than expected, thanks Brownells! With the video guide on youtube I had this installed in under an hour. I did have to shave off a little material behind the trigger for the overtravel limit, but based on other reviews, I was expecting that. So much smoother, shorter travel and quicker reset. Even my kids noticed the difference in trigger pull and feel. I havent been to the range yet, but would expect groups to improve substatially due to much lighter pull weight. Love my XD even more.
Best money I've spent in a long time.(25.11.2013)
I looked at this kit for years and just wouldn't spend the money. I wish I had jumped on this trigger when I first got my XD. The trigger kit has zero instructions to speak of, but lets be honest. If they told you how to do it, then PRP becomes liable. They do have videos on YouTube that are simple to follow if you have any firearm knowledge. Took me about 30-40 minutes, having never stripped my weapon that far before ever. I used all the blue competition springs in the kit and the trigger pull ended up at a 3.3lbs average. My low and to the left groups at the range are pretty well dead center now. The trigger is smooth as glass, the break is clean, and the reset is amazing. It would have been worth the cost just to remove the mushy pre-travel from the stock trigger alone. Again, best money I've spent in forever. When my XDs come back from recall, it will be receiving some PRP treatment as well.
I ordered at 6am on a Monday, Brownell's had it on my door by Wednesday! Great service, Thank you.
This is required equipment!(11.1.2014)
The before and after effects of this upgrade are amazing. My accuracy improved greatly. I watched the Youtube video by Powder River multiple times before I started the installation, as a result I was able to complete the project in about 30 minutes.
As in other reviews, just get this kit, watch the videos, and install. The install went quickly and was not too difficult. The trigger pull after is an amazing improvement. Be sure that if you live in a cold weather location, you put the gun in the freezer before you check the overtravel stop.
Great Upgrade(24.7.2014)
After some online investigating I bought this trigger for my XDM 9mm 4.5" pistol. Even though it's the "drop in" version, I had my gunsmith do the work for me. If you do want to tackle it yourself there are helpful videos on YouTube. I took it to the range today and the difference is remarkable. Trigger pull on the factory trigger was measured at 6.5 lbs versus 4 lbs on the Powder River. A friend of mine who owns the same pistol went to the range with me so we could shoot the two side by side. Now he wants to do the same to his gun! Very clean break. Greatly reduced takeup and very smooth release. This trigger is worth every penny and a very worthwhile upgrade. You will not be disappointed.
This is my third one(19.11.2016)
There is nothing I can add that hasn't already been said by the other reviewers. This is a fantastic improvement for the price, and yes, you can relatively easily install it yourself by watching the how to videos on youtube. I have and XD 9mm and XD 40 with this trigger installed. I just purchased an XD 9 - Tactical, and can't wait to receive my Powder River kit.
You will not regret buying this!
Excellent product, outstanding support(12.3.2017)
I installed this trigger in my new xdm 3.8 compact but was having trouble with the striker not always being released when the trigger was pulled. I contacted PRP on Friday and talked to a very helpful rep (whose name I have unfortunately forgotten) who walked me through several troubleshooter my steps. After coming to the conclusion that the tolerances on my gun might be a little off, he offered to cut me a new trigger. I received the new trigger on Saturday, installed in in my gun and it's perfect. Nice, crisp break, short reset, just what my xdm 3.8 needed! I couldn't be happier. BTW this was my second purchase of this drop in trigger, as I already have it installed and have it working great in my xdm 5.25 that I used for IDPA competition.
Great upgrade(3.7.2018)
While this wasn't entirely 'drop in' for mine (still required a little filing and polishing to feel the trigger reset, it is a great improvement over the factory trigger and the company is very responsive to any questions you may have and give you help. Highly recommend!
Tuotenro: 100009748 POWDER RIVER PRECISION INC XD 9/40 DROP IN TRIGGER KIT Valmistajan tuotenumero: PRP-057-9-40686461783319 Powder River Precision XD/XDM Drop In Trigger Kit sisältää heidän kuuluisan iskuturvavipunsa, joka poistaa pitkän esiliikkeen XD liipaisimista. Sarja sisältää vähennetyn tehon; liipaisinjousen, sulkujousen, iskuturvajousen ja iskurijousen. Nämä vähennetyn tehon jouset mahdollistavat alennetun vetopainon. PRP Drop In Trigger on valmistettu kevyestä polymeeristä, joka auttaa nopeuttamaan liipaisimen palautusta. Siinä on myös sisäänrakennettu yliliikkeen stopperi liipaisimen takana. Tämä sisäänrakennettu stopperi poistaa lisärasituksen liipaisintangosta, joka on läsnä muiden yliliikkeen stopperimenetelmien kanssa. Asennettuna tämä sarja tarjoaa lyhyen, napakan liipaisuvedon (3.5-4.5lbs) nopealla palautuksella ja lyhennetyllä kokonaisliipaisuvedon pituudella. Saatavilla kaikkiin XD/XDM malleihin lukuun ottamatta 45 XD mallia peukaloturvallisuudella. XDM-malli on saanut American Pistolsmith Guildin hyväksynnän.
214.9EUR5214,90 €
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. 5 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Ominaisuudet:Malli: XDMerkki: SpringfieldTyyppi: Drop-In, Safety TriggerViimeistely: Black
Powder River Precision XD/XDM Drop In Trigger Kit poistaa pitkän esiliikkeen ja tarjoaa lyhyen, napakan liipaisuvedon (3.5-4.5lbs) nopealla palautuksella.
Sarja sisältää vähennetyn tehon jouset, jotka mahdollistavat alennetun vetopainon, ja kevyen polymeeriliipaisimen, joka nopeuttaa liipaisimen palautusta.
Sopii kaikkiin XD/XDM malleihin lukuun ottamatta 45 XD mallia peukaloturvallisuudella ja XDS-malleja.
Made in USA
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Tuotenro: 100009749 POWDER RIVER PRECISION INC XD 45 DROP IN TRIGGER KIT Valmistajan tuotenumero: PRP-057-45686461783296 Powder River Precision XD/XDM Drop In Trigger Kit sisältää heidän kuuluisan iskuturvavipunsa, joka poistaa pitkän esiliikkeen XD liipaisimista. Sarja sisältää vähennetyn tehon; liipaisinjousen, sulkujousen, iskuturvajousen ja iskurijousen. Nämä vähennetyn tehon jouset mahdollistavat alennetun vetopainon. PRP Drop In Trigger on valmistettu kevyestä polymeeristä, joka auttaa nopeuttamaan liipaisimen palautusta. Siinä on myös sisäänrakennettu yliliikkeen stopperi liipaisimen takana. Tämä sisäänrakennettu stopperi poistaa lisärasituksen liipaisintangosta, joka on läsnä muiden yliliikkeen stopperimenetelmien kanssa. Asennettuna tämä sarja tarjoaa lyhyen, napakan liipaisuvedon (3.5-4.5lbs) nopealla palautuksella ja lyhennetyllä kokonaisliipaisuvedon pituudella. Saatavilla kaikkiin XD/XDM malleihin lukuun ottamatta 45 XD mallia peukaloturvallisuudella. XDM-malli on saanut American Pistolsmith Guildin hyväksynnän.
194.9EUR3194,90 €
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. 3 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Ominaisuudet:Malli: XDMerkki: SpringfieldTyyppi: Drop-In, Safety TriggerViimeistely: Black
Tuotenro: 100013388 POWDER RIVER PRECISION INC XDM 9/40 DROP IN TRIGGER KIT Valmistajan tuotenumero: PRP-056-9-40686461783272 Powder River Precision XD/XDM Drop In Trigger Kit sisältää heidän kuuluisan iskuturvavipunsa, joka poistaa pitkän esiliikkeen XD liipaisimista. Sarja sisältää vähennetyn tehon; liipaisinjousen, sulkujousen, iskuturvajousen ja iskurijousen. Nämä vähennetyn tehon jouset mahdollistavat alennetun vetopainon. PRP Drop In Trigger on valmistettu kevyestä polymeeristä, joka auttaa nopeuttamaan liipaisimen palautusta. Siinä on myös sisäänrakennettu yliliikkeen stopperi liipaisimen takana. Tämä sisäänrakennettu stopperi poistaa lisärasituksen liipaisintangosta, joka on läsnä muiden yliliikkeen stopperimenetelmien kanssa. Asennettuna tämä sarja tarjoaa lyhyen, napakan liipaisuvedon (3.5-4.5lbs) nopealla palautuksella ja lyhennetyllä kokonaisliipaisuvedon pituudella. Saatavilla kaikkiin XD/XDM malleihin lukuun ottamatta 45 XD mallia peukaloturvallisuudella. XDM-malli on saanut American Pistolsmith Guildin hyväksynnän.
244.9EUR4244,90 €
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. 4 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Ominaisuudet:Malli: XD-MMerkki: SpringfieldTyyppi: Drop-In, Safety TriggerViimeistely: Black
Tuotenro: 100013389 POWDER RIVER PRECISION INC XDM 45 DROP IN TRIGGER KIT Valmistajan tuotenumero: PRP-056-45686461783258 Powder River Precision XD/XDM Drop In Trigger Kit sisältää heidän kuuluisan iskuturvavipunsa, joka poistaa pitkän esiliikkeen XD liipaisimista. Sarja sisältää vähennetyn tehon; liipaisinjousen, sulkujousen, iskuturvajousen ja iskurijousen. Nämä vähennetyn tehon jouset mahdollistavat alennetun vetopainon. PRP Drop In Trigger on valmistettu kevyestä polymeeristä, joka auttaa nopeuttamaan liipaisimen palautusta. Siinä on myös sisäänrakennettu yliliikkeen stopperi liipaisimen takana. Tämä sisäänrakennettu stopperi poistaa lisärasituksen liipaisintangosta, joka on läsnä muiden yliliikkeen stopperimenetelmien kanssa. Asennettuna tämä sarja tarjoaa lyhyen, napakan liipaisuvedon (3.5-4.5lbs) nopealla palautuksella ja lyhennetyllä kokonaisliipaisuvedon pituudella. Saatavilla kaikkiin XD/XDM malleihin lukuun ottamatta 45 XD mallia peukaloturvallisuudella. XDM-malli on saanut American Pistolsmith Guildin hyväksynnän.
199.9EUR8199,90 €
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. 8 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Ominaisuudet:Malli: XD-MMerkki: SpringfieldTyyppi: Drop-In, Safety TriggerViimeistely: Black
The Powder River Precision XD/XDM Drop In Trigger Kit contains their famous striker safety lever, which removes the long trigger pre-travel on XD triggers. The kit includes reduced power; trigger spring, sear spring, striker safety spring, and striker spring. These reduced power springs allow for a lowered pull weight. The PRP Drop in Trigger is constructed of lightweight polymer that assists in speeding up trigger reset. It also has an integral over travel stop on the back of the trigger. This integral stop removes added stress on the trigger bar that is present with other over travel stop methods. When installed, this kit provides a short, crisp trigger pull (3.5-4.5lbs) with a fast reset and shortened overall trigger pull length. Available for all XD/XDM except for the 45 XD with thumb safety. The XDM model has received the American Pistolsmith Guild Seal of Approval.
SPECS: Polymer trigger. Reduced power trigger, striker and strike springs. 3.5-4.5lbs pull weight. NOTE: The XD Sub Compact (100-009-750) is for 9mm/.40 only. Does NOT fit XDS. Use 100-009-749 for all the XD .45 models EXCEPT the .45 cal thumb safety model.
Powder River Precision XD/XDM Drop In Trigger Kit sisältää heidän kuuluisan iskuturvavipunsa, joka poistaa pitkän esiliikkeen XD liipaisimista. Sarja sisältää vähennetyn tehon; liipaisinjousen, sulkujousen, iskuturvajousen ja iskurijousen. Nämä vähennetyn tehon jouset mahdollistavat alennetun vetopainon. PRP Drop In Trigger on valmistettu kevyestä polymeeristä, joka auttaa nopeuttamaan liipaisimen palautusta. Siinä on myös sisäänrakennettu yliliikkeen stopperi liipaisimen takana. Tämä sisäänrakennettu stopperi poistaa lisärasituksen liipaisintangosta, joka on läsnä muiden yliliikkeen stopperimenetelmien kanssa. Asennettuna tämä sarja tarjoaa lyhyen, napakan liipaisuvedon (3.5-4.5lbs) nopealla palautuksella ja lyhennetyllä kokonaisliipaisuvedon pituudella. Saatavilla kaikkiin XD/XDM malleihin lukuun ottamatta 45 XD mallia peukaloturvallisuudella. XDM-malli on saanut American Pistolsmith Guildin hyväksynnän.
SPECS: Polymeeriliipaisin. Vähennetty tehon liipaisin, iskulaite ja iskuvedet. 3.5-4.5lbs vetopaino. HUOM: XD Sub Compact (100-009-750) on vain 9mm/.40 varten. Ei sovi XDS-malleihin. Käytä 100-009-749 kaikkiin XD .45 malleihin PAITSI .45 cal peukaloturvallisuusmalliin.
Arvioiden lukumäärä: 37
Arvostelut sivustolla: 37
Arvioiden keskiarvo: 4,9
HUGE improvement(26.4.2014)
I would highly recommend this to anyone owning the XDm 45. I own 2 XDm's, 1 9mm and 1 .45cal. The 9mm shot and felt great right out of the box. The .45cal did not shoot quite as good to put it mildly. With the 9mm, I could literally play connect the dots. With the .45cal I was a little embarrassed for anyone to see my target. I felt a very noticeable difference in the triggers between my 9mm and .45cal. The 9mm had a long pull and reset. But the .45cal felt like it had a longer pull abd reset. I chalked this up as the reason for the difference in their perfomance. After all, it couldn't possibly be me, right? Honestly, I can pick the center out of the target with a 1911. And I am a pretty big guy with a bit of experience behind the trigger. So me handling the .45cal cartridge is not the issue. Anyway, I started looking into trigger jobs and replacement kits. In my research, I noticed a lot of hype about these PRP triggers for the XDm. And I found that PRP offers more than 1 solution for them too. To keep it short and sweet, I took the path of least resistence and opted for the drop-in kit. Let's face it, I'm not a gunsmith and I wasn't looking to shell out a lot more money. Installation was fairly easy given patience, the right tools, and following the video on the manufacturer's website. The results are a MUCH improved trigger! The pull weight, length of pull and reset have all been noticeably improved. And the end result is a much more accurate firearm. Oh, to keep the feel and looks (yes, I went there) the same, I installed the drop-in kit on my 9mm too.
Should be standard(29.11.2014)
This drop in trigger made a dramatic difference. Stock trigger felt "mushy," while this one is just shy of being match level crisp. The reduced trigger pull and short reset, along with the Advantage Tactical sights I instaled, made both the initial and follow up shops fast and accurate. I'm not sure why this trigger isn't the factory standard, and am moderately annoyed I have to shell out an extra $110 to make the XDM carry worthy.
Well worth the money(20.8.2016)
The OEM trigger on the XDM 45 Competition is far from the best. Too much take up, a vague break and long reset.
This kit is actually an upgrade your can order installed from Springfield making it IDPA legal. The kit from Brownell's is the same kit, but you have the option of 2 different sets of springs. One set is gives a lighter pull weight and is not for carry.
The kit is easy to install and makes a world of difference. My trigger pull weight dropped from 6.5 to just under 4 pounds.
Great fitting Upgrade(3.4.2014)
This trigger kit was a great fitting upgrade & easy to complete. Fit on my 3.8" Compact XDm, cutting pull force & reset by half.
Nice upgrade(26.4.2014)
This is not really difficult for anyone to do so long as you take your time, have the correct tools, and follow the video posted on the manufacturer's website. The pull length, weight and reset have been noticeably improved. I would recommend this to anyone owning an XDm. It is probably the most cost effective upgrade you can do to improve the way the gun actually shoots.
I ordered a 2nd for my other XDm(17.5.2014)
Stated: When installed, this kit provides a short, crisp trigger pull (3.5-4.5lbs) with a fast reset and shortened overall trigger pull length. My trigger pull was 3.0 lbs. with the competition springs installed. (You get two sets of springs. They both lower your trigger pull, but the competition springs really bring it down.) Just follow the videos step by step and take pictures before you pull the parts out, so you can feel more comfortable with the process.
Huge improvement and easy install(20.8.2014)
Huge improvement to the trigger. It makes the gun much more accurate and pleasant to shoot. Considering the grip safety of my 3.8 XDM Compact, I am not concerned about a decrease in safety with a lighter trigger as long as proper holstering and trigger discipline are practiced.
Install was not challenging though I took my time and was careful using the videos as a guide.
Best money spent so far.(5.4.2015)
Best 109.00 spent. I installed it in about 30 min, 10 of those were looking for the spring detant in the slide. My shooting times improved greatly and people asked what I did. Showed them and every response was " where did you get that?"
Excellent Upgrade(27.4.2015)
I installed this trigger kit last night on a 40 cal. Bi-tone XDM.
This is the best upgrade you can do. I installed the blue springs, which are the competition springs. Trigger is light, reset is very short! The only thing I had to watch is re-installing the block, make sure the slide lock is lined up with the pin when you punch the pin through. Pretty simple install, with video! Will be trying shortly!!!
Great upgrade for my XDM 3.8" 9MM(5.5.2015)
I installed the kit in about 30-45 minutes. A very easy install which requires no modification to gun or internal parts. The trigger did require just a bit of tweaking with some emery paper (400 grit). The new trigger, over-travel stop needed dressing down a bit. I installed the "light" springs and saved the "competition" springs for a possible future use. Lowered my trigger-pull from 6 1/4 lbs to 4 lbs. Shortened the reset and length of pull considerably. This is excellent for my self-defense, carry gun. Just make sure you order the correct kit for your gun. The kits for the "XD" will not work in the "XDM". I ordered the wrong kit the first time and spent most of a day trying to get it to work, with no success. The correct parts made all the difference. Trigger pull is now short and crisp, as is the reset. Try it, You'll like it !!!
Great trigger mod!(19.11.2015)
I installed this trigger in about 30 minutes. It was a fairly easy process and the manufacturer provides a detailed video if you need help getting it installed. Prior to the install, my trigger pull weight was just over 6.5 lbs. After the install, I was just under 4.5 lbs pull wait. The reset was cut down in half and due to the overtravel stop, the length of pull was significantly lessened. All in all, a great trigger that I would recommend to anyone.
Truly "DROP IN " XDM 9mm 4,5" bitone(28.12.2015)
This was a true "drop in" trigger kit for me .No sanding grinding ore filing involved. Follow the YouTube video instructions and you're good to go.
I have a VP9 and a PPQ and this kit puts the XDM trigger right there with the other 2.
First let em say, I'm not a gun-smith. I do have some mechanical abilities so I thought that I would try and tackle this upgrade to my XDM 40 3.8 standard.
It took me longer to watch the video than it took to do the actual work. The total time was 30 minutes. I was taking my time watching the video and going back and fourth. The next one will only take me less than 15 minutes, if that.
I would highly recommend this trigger replacement.
Springfield should have done this in the beginning to the entire
line of pistols they offer.
Powder River Triggers will be installed on ALL of my XDM's !!
Thank you for such a great product.......................
If you dont have it... BUY IT NOW!!(2.2.2016)
I use my XDM .40 5.25 for USPSA shoots and local matches as well. This is not my carry gun. Love this trigger!!! Wow what a difference it made, short throw and short reset, lighter pull as well. All the stuff you need for competitive shooting. Easy install, just take your time and watch the video. I left one factory spring in to increase trigger pull weight for my uses. This is a must have! You will love your XDM even more! No regrets at all! This should be your first mod for this gun.
Pretty good upgrade. Missing Spring tho.(1.7.2017)
I used the Drop In Kit on a XDm 4.5 .40S&W. Original trigger had decent take-up, but not as long as most show for the XD, with a little over 6lb, crisp, break and no over travel to speak of. The reset was actually pretty good and short as well.
From the Kit I used the replacement Trigger, replacement Striker Safety Lever, the Sear Spring, and Reduced Power (blue) Trigger Spring. I did not use the Reduced Power Striker or Striker Safety Springs (this was the spring that was missing). I did not polish anything either. After install, the take up was reduced by ~80%-90%, break was even crispier at a consistent 4.5lb, and the over travel stop, on my gun, was already perfect with no over travel, so no sanding of the trigger was required. Reset is more audible and crisper, but not really tactile in feel.
If I had used the Striker Springs, the pull would probably have been reduced to below 4lbs, but I like 4.5lb range and wanted to maintain the ability to shoot harder primed rounds.
True Drop In(28.10.2017)
This was really a drop in trigger I did not have to make any alterations. My results were 5/16 pre travel 3/16 release, and a 5/16 reset to a 1/8 pre travel, 1/8 release, and a 3/16 reset. I can barely notice the movement at all and it has a crisp break at 3.8 lbs., from a formal 5.4 lbs. I believe this is worth the effort and cost to make this upgrade.
Absolutely Amazing(24.8.2012)
Amazing investment for your XD. Super simple to install and the youtube videos by the manufacturer are simple to follow. Took less than 30 minutes total (I am by no means a gun smith). Put a couple hundred rounds through my pistol with the trigger upgrade yesterday and had absolutely no issues. It was like shooting a new gun. Great feel, quick response.
From Standard to precision(11.4.2015)
The guy that I got the info from to install it was a bit vague. But being a fast learner was able to pick up what was required to install said kit. Once installed the gun became a great fast shooting asset for my type of discipline. Would recommend it to all shooters.
Bob Beattie
I installed this trigger kit in my XD-40 Sub-Compact that I carry as a backup. It is every bit as good as the trigger job Springfield's Custom Shop did on my XD 45 Service model. The trigger pull is much lighter and much shorter, It also has a much shorter reset allowing for quicker followup shots. I have since purchased these trigger kits for my other three XD's!!!!
Great product, better customer service(13.6.2012)
This kit is great. Works as advertised and cleans up the trigger pull in ways not quantifiable by just stating the change in pull weight. Installation was easy using the step-by-step instruction video on Powder River's YouTube channel.
My particular kit had a defect I couldn't correct that interfered with trigger reset, but this does not seem typical. Either way, Powder River quickly gave me a return label and offered to check it out for me. They paid the shipping for my XD both ways and, on discovering the problem with the kit, corrected it at their expense. Class act, y'all. I think I'll try to offset that cost a bit by recommending them to a few of my friends with XDs.
Wow. Much improved(16.2.2013)
Installed this on my Xd 45 and the You Tube video helped. Install was easy. Used a little filing to adjust the trigger stop -easy. Once installed the trigger was noticeably better with less over-travel, shorter reset and much less creep. Well worth the effort. After I installed this kit I bought another for my XDM 40 and I love it too.
Excellent product(19.2.2013)
Wow what an improvement. Seriously improved shot placement and grouping. Reset is much shorter and trigger is actually crisp to break now. I would highly recommend this and the extended magazine release also by powder river.
Great trigger kit(10.3.2013)
If you are handy with basic tools you should not have any trouble installing. Nice trigger pull..
Incredible amount of improvement(19.4.2014)
I have always had issues with the XD45 factory trigger. This easy to install kit completely changed the way mine handles. Vastly superior trigger pull, length of pull, sear reset and trigger control. I strongly recommend watching the powder river install vids available on YouTube BEFORE and during install. Install took about 45 min. I took more time than really necessary because I'm a neat freak with my guns and I didn't want to take too much off the over travel stop. Go slow, take your time. You will reap the rewards later.
I also installed the powder river stainless trigger pins to add a little something extra and was very impressed. Those who have shot it can't believe the improvement either.
Top Notch(22.5.2014)
Powder River nocked it out of the park!! Everything installed as designed. Functions as advertised. No fitting required for my kit. Pre-travel reduced by at least 2/3 if not more. Trigger pull at 2.5-3 lbs. If I purchase XD's in the future this trigger kit will be the first upgrade.
What an improvement(24.5.2014)
This kit did the trick! Anybody who owns a XD knows the trigger is the worst thig about the gun and this kit fixes that. With the easy to follow tutorial on YouTube (make sure it is from PRP) it took little effort to complete myself. The only drawback I had was the blue striker spring is a too light and I was getting misfires often. Put the OE spring back in and it works great!
Good Trigger(31.5.2012)
Easy to install, and works good. In my gun however, it needed some adjusting to the trigger stop. It was slightly too long and needed to be filed down about 1mm in order for it to work. Other than that it works good and is a big improvement over the factory trigger system.
Great Stuff(11.6.2012)
It doesn't get any better than this. Takes your XD to a new level!!!
A must!!(10.11.2012)
with the extra springs and parts I could do 2 guns different weight trigger but they are each different use 1 comp 1 carry.
Key to install the locking blockis lift the trigger really high and slide the ramp part over trigger and bar, then push back side down first pulling on the trigger as you press down.
By selecting between different springs both in the slide as well as frame you can get the perfect feel. ex. If I put in all the blue springs I didnt feel or hear the trigger reset, so i put the other trigger spring in and the click was loud and could be felt. (it was still working with the blue I just felt better hearing and feeling it).
If the trigger is to low with the blue striker spring installed then install the other. Thats what I did on the XD40, the blue was super soft and often didnt seem to be prepaired when it went off. I swapped the striker spring so that it was a tad bit more trigger pressure for combat use, its light enough that it wont just go off yet its light enough for accurate shots. Not to mention reset travel!!!!
Over all you will be so pleased with this. I watched the youtube videos after install and its just the same steps that I had done. Great video and great product....
Only issue with the video was the trigger triming. Having the trigger break right at the frame might not always fire. Be sure you cut 1/16 extra past break. WILL NOT HAVE ISSUES WITH OVER TRAVEL. It will always fire then.
WOW, great improvement!(14.11.2013)
Received this PRP drop-in trigger for my XD9, 2 days earlier than expected, thanks Brownells! With the video guide on youtube I had this installed in under an hour. I did have to shave off a little material behind the trigger for the overtravel limit, but based on other reviews, I was expecting that. So much smoother, shorter travel and quicker reset. Even my kids noticed the difference in trigger pull and feel. I havent been to the range yet, but would expect groups to improve substatially due to much lighter pull weight. Love my XD even more.
Best money I've spent in a long time.(25.11.2013)
I looked at this kit for years and just wouldn't spend the money. I wish I had jumped on this trigger when I first got my XD. The trigger kit has zero instructions to speak of, but lets be honest. If they told you how to do it, then PRP becomes liable. They do have videos on YouTube that are simple to follow if you have any firearm knowledge. Took me about 30-40 minutes, having never stripped my weapon that far before ever. I used all the blue competition springs in the kit and the trigger pull ended up at a 3.3lbs average. My low and to the left groups at the range are pretty well dead center now. The trigger is smooth as glass, the break is clean, and the reset is amazing. It would have been worth the cost just to remove the mushy pre-travel from the stock trigger alone. Again, best money I've spent in forever. When my XDs come back from recall, it will be receiving some PRP treatment as well.
I ordered at 6am on a Monday, Brownell's had it on my door by Wednesday! Great service, Thank you.
This is required equipment!(11.1.2014)
The before and after effects of this upgrade are amazing. My accuracy improved greatly. I watched the Youtube video by Powder River multiple times before I started the installation, as a result I was able to complete the project in about 30 minutes.
As in other reviews, just get this kit, watch the videos, and install. The install went quickly and was not too difficult. The trigger pull after is an amazing improvement. Be sure that if you live in a cold weather location, you put the gun in the freezer before you check the overtravel stop.
Great Upgrade(24.7.2014)
After some online investigating I bought this trigger for my XDM 9mm 4.5" pistol. Even though it's the "drop in" version, I had my gunsmith do the work for me. If you do want to tackle it yourself there are helpful videos on YouTube. I took it to the range today and the difference is remarkable. Trigger pull on the factory trigger was measured at 6.5 lbs versus 4 lbs on the Powder River. A friend of mine who owns the same pistol went to the range with me so we could shoot the two side by side. Now he wants to do the same to his gun! Very clean break. Greatly reduced takeup and very smooth release. This trigger is worth every penny and a very worthwhile upgrade. You will not be disappointed.
This is my third one(19.11.2016)
There is nothing I can add that hasn't already been said by the other reviewers. This is a fantastic improvement for the price, and yes, you can relatively easily install it yourself by watching the how to videos on youtube. I have and XD 9mm and XD 40 with this trigger installed. I just purchased an XD 9 - Tactical, and can't wait to receive my Powder River kit.
You will not regret buying this!
Excellent product, outstanding support(12.3.2017)
I installed this trigger in my new xdm 3.8 compact but was having trouble with the striker not always being released when the trigger was pulled. I contacted PRP on Friday and talked to a very helpful rep (whose name I have unfortunately forgotten) who walked me through several troubleshooter my steps. After coming to the conclusion that the tolerances on my gun might be a little off, he offered to cut me a new trigger. I received the new trigger on Saturday, installed in in my gun and it's perfect. Nice, crisp break, short reset, just what my xdm 3.8 needed! I couldn't be happier. BTW this was my second purchase of this drop in trigger, as I already have it installed and have it working great in my xdm 5.25 that I used for IDPA competition.
Great upgrade(3.7.2018)
While this wasn't entirely 'drop in' for mine (still required a little filing and polishing to feel the trigger reset, it is a great improvement over the factory trigger and the company is very responsive to any questions you may have and give you help. Highly recommend!