For A Smoother, Crisper, More Refined Trigger Pull; Drop-In Installation
Drop-in parts give your Glock® a smooth, crisp, light pull that helps promote consistent, match-grade accuracy. Change specific components to improve a particular aspect of the trigger pull, or do a complete upgrade. Fits all Glock® pistols. Precisely calibrated spring weights deliver consistent force through the entire compression/release cycle to give you a light, refined trigger without sacrificing the reliability of your pistol’s Safe Action system. High-stress, aerospace-grade stainless steel spring wire is heat- and cryo-treated for 99.99% consistent energy output, so trigger pull feels the same every time. Trigger Spring has nearly 30% more power than factory spring, yet actually reduces pull by as much as 1 lb. for improved control. Also produces faster trigger reset for quicker follow-up shots. Reduced power Safety Spring reduces friction caused by the firing pin safety, further smoothing the pull. Striker Spring is designed for improved consistency and durability over factory spring. Available in standard factory weight for a 3 to 3½ lb. pull or light model that reduces pull by at least 1 lb. to a consistent 2 to 2½ lb., while preserving reliable primer ignition. Competition Spring Kit contains the trigger spring, firing pin safety spring, and standard power striker spring.
SPECS: Spring stainless steel wire. Fits all Glock pistols.
Sileämpään, terävämpään ja hienostuneempaan liipaisimen vetoon; Helppo asentaa
Drop-in-osat tekevät Glock®-pistoolistasi sileän, terävän ja kevyen, mikä auttaa edistämään johdonmukaista, kilpatason tarkkuutta. Vaihda tiettyjä komponentteja parantaaksesi tiettyä osa-aluetta liipaisimen vedossa tai tee täydellinen päivitys. Sopii kaikkiin Glock®-pistooleihin. Tarkasti kalibroidut jousen painot toimittavat johdonmukaisen voiman läpi koko puristus/vapautuskierron tarjoten sinulle kevyen, hienostuneen liipaisimen uhraamatta pistoolisi Safe Action -järjestelmän luotettavuutta. Korkeapaineinen, ilmailuun soveltuva ruostumaton teräsjousilanka on kuumakäsitelty ja kryo-käsitelty tarjoten 99,99% johdonmukaisen energiatuoton, joten liipaisimen veto tuntuu samalta joka kerta. Trigger Spring on lähes 30% voimakkaampi kuin tehdasjousi, mutta vähentää vetovoimaa jopa 1 naulalla parantaen hallintaa. Vähentää myös liipaisimen palautumisaikaa nopeampiin jälkiseurantoihin. Reduced power Safety Spring vähentää laukaisutappiturvallisuuden aiheuttamaa kitkaa, mikä edelleen silottaa vetoa. Striker Spring on suunniteltu parantamaan johdonmukaisuutta ja kestävyyttä tehdasjousiin verrattuna. Saatavilla standardissa tehdasvoimakkuudessa 3-3½ naulan vedolle tai kevyessä mallissa, joka vähentää vetoa vähintään 1 naulalla tasaiseen 2-2½ naulan vetoon samalla säilyttäen luotettavan nallin sytytyksen. Kilpailu Spring Kit sisältää liipaisinjousen, laukaisutappiturvajousen ja standarditehoisen iskujousen.
TEKNISET TIEDOT: Kevätrakenne ruostumaton teräslanka. Sopii kaikkiin Glock pistooleihin.
Arvioiden lukumäärä: 20
Arvostelut sivustolla: 20
Arvioiden keskiarvo: 3,3
Does the Trick!(2.1.2013)
I gave up on light springs in a Glock: reliability is too important! Glockworx is a quality joint-- feel confident in their products.
Great with reduced striker/safety sprngs(2.6.2011)
This was the only stand-alone trigger spring I could locate (besides factory)that listed some sort of spring rate (30%)greater than stock. As advertised,this puppy INCREASES take-up spring-rate a little(but much less than an Olive NY#1),but gives you a MUCH crisper and consistent let-off,and is A MUST FOR ALL ROCKET 3.5's or any trigger-stop modification,or when replacing striker spring/safety plunger spring with lighter rate springs.Once you lighten striker,plunger springs,Glock trigger safety & possibly even plunger MAY NOT RESET(to safe/lock) WHEN TRIGGER PARTLY PRESSED BUT NOT FIRED AND RELEASED. This Glockworx trigger spring fixes this possible safety issue! I am using with Ghost Rocket 3.5,Lightning Strike Titanium Striker & Plunger (each comes w/a reduced tension Wollf spring),I have also finely polished & rounded all steel internal contact points,and the sidearm retains 100% of its' original safety system functionality,largely due to this little spring,while giving shooter a much lighter and precise trigger(in combination w/other mods.) Wanna' make it even safer (besides empty chamber)? Look at my Lone Wolf Siderlock review.
Nice addtion to any Glock(24.8.2012)
along with the 3.5 lb trigger connector , polished the trigger arm, and striker. and the trigger pull on my G22 has DRASTICALLY improved! highly suggest getting the spring installed with these other upgrades. makes your glock so much smoother.
Failed Part(10.11.2012)
The trigger spring broke after 1,500 rounds. I put the original spring back in and it now has about 5,000 rounds on it. This product is inferior to the OEM part.
Great upgrade(9.9.2017)
I used this 6lb trigger spring in conjunction with a Ghost Evo Connector, which brought my trigger poundage right about 3.7 pounds on average, in my Gen. 4 Glock 29.
Understated value.(5.5.2010)
This spring kit gives your Glock a refined, smooth feel that some might pay three or four times more for. Trigger pull is noticeably more crisp, trigger reset more precise. I installed this kit in my Glock 21 SF and have noticed improved shot groups and quicker controlled pairs. I would highly recommend this kit to anyone wishing to tune their Glock.
Wolff is a better choice(16.5.2010)
Striker spring is too light. I purchased four kits and three of them failed to ignite primers within the first 150 rounds after installation. Wolff spring kits have never given the same trouble. Back to Wolff...
Works as promised(27.6.2011)
works just as promised. Used with V3 race connector and trigger is now 3 Lbs flat with much less pre travel, less spongy feel and relatively crisp break.
Great Kit!(7.12.2011)
Love the kits, put them and either a Ghost or Scherer 3.5lb connector in all 8 of my Glocks. Very smooth and consistent pull all the way through and breaks like glass. Never a problem or failure with the springs to date!!
Outshoot All the Guys at the Range(12.2.2012)
If you want to out-shoot all the guys at the range buy one of these spring kits for each guy.
For every 15 rounds, I get 5 misfires!
I am an Armorer. One of my friends kept asking about this kit so I bought one to try in my G17. Very little, if any improvement in trigger pull and 30+% misfires. Spend your money on practice ammo.
Made a noticeable difference on G-26(16.4.2012)
Reduces the pressure pull on my Glock 17c and 26. Made for a better shooting time especially with the G-26. Easy to install.
Not As Good As....?(20.8.2012)
Have used ZEV's full trigger Kit in a Glock 34 for well over 2 years with shooting a match almost every week. The truth is, NO LW spring set will light every type of primer used ! Can't use Bargain Basement or former Communist Block ammo. Any ammo have loaded using WIN, FED or Fiocchi primers lit Fine & every time. For the record used Wolff LW springs before this and they may even be lighter than these ? Still one has to accept that any LW spring will not last as long as the heavier than needed OEM items. So one needs to have spares on hand and r/r them at an appropriate interval.
Maybe, maybe not?(13.5.2014)
The trigger pull is great after installing this and a connector, but I have one problem. To describe it best, it's like the trigger safety gets "hung" on the Glock frame. I installed two on different Glocks and they both did it. I haven't gotten into a cure yet, but it will take one. I wouldn't recommend to someone who couldn't tweak this.
Careful! This requires some knowledge..(9.2.2015)
So I bought this kit with a 3.5lb connector to put into my Gen 4 19. The kit was easy to install if you know what you are doing, but the firing pin safety spring is black and was a pain to install and ended up losing it; used the factory one instead. The real problem for me is the firing pin spring. This caused some failures when functioned tested with the 3.5lb connector. The failure would lead to whatever magazine slam firing the entire mag when loaded. Also, another failure I found is when you depress the trigger, but then let off, the trigger safety does not reengage. I had to manually pull the trigger body out to get the click. So, because the firearm is for CCW use, I returned to stock. I then used the 3.5lb connector to reduce the trigger pull and I am happy with that.
I didn't think Zev would make crap, so I experimented and installed this kit into my Gen 3, 21C and it worked perfectly. Definitely wouldn't carry for duty use, but it's great to shoot now. Very light trigger pull and pairs are very close.
All in all, it worked out; not for the intended purpose, but it worked.
excellant feel(4.8.2015)
I combined this with a ghost 3.5 connector in my edc g26. Both seem to compliment each other perfectly. Smoother, lighter pre travel and a clean break. For the money its a great trigger upgrade!
striker sping in kit is 2#(13.11.2015)
the striker spring in this kit is 2 pounds, not standard weight as the description says. standard weight would be 5.5 pounds. look up the part number on zev's site to see for yourself. i would not have purchased this if i had known that the striker spring was only 2 pounds. those complaining about trigger problems with this kit might have installed the trigger spring wrong. if hooks of trigger spring are not vertical then they will rub or get stuck inside the housing and prevent trigger reset or cause it to be sluggish.
for some reason this site is not letting me leave a 2 start review but that is what i'm choosing.
O.K. but not great(10.5.2016)
First the spring kit did not come with the three springs as advertised as the striker spring was not included. Second the striker safety spring did not fit as it was too small for my particular pistol. Third the trigger spring felt mushy and required a conscious effort during the trigger press to release the striker. Maybe the second and third reasons are related, I'm not sure. The trigger spring did lighten the pull over the stock spring and had a crisp reset but I just didn't like the break of the trigger.
Ok, but probbaly not needed(12.6.2017)
Installed this along with the ZEV 3.5 connector. Had problems with the trigger reset with the trigger spring. The hooks don't fit right and cause binding and the trigger to not reset all of the way. Put the stock trigger spring in and trigger pull is now great. Maybe some day I'm mess with it a bit, but not now. IMO this spring kit did little.
Unsafe with the Glocks I tried this on.(18.1.2018)
The trigger spring is to long and the safety reset spring did not work. I would not even load a Glock with this set up in it.
I tired it on two different Glocks and it does make the trigger more crisp it's useless when it disables the safety. I went back
to the Lone Wolf 3.5 lb. trigger bar and 6 lb. spring, that's perfect for the average shooter. If you don't spend a good bit of time shooting
and know your firearm well you may not notice the trigger safety reset. I tried this out for my son whom is military and my
nephew who is a sniper on a SWAT team.
The ZEV Competition Spring Kit includes the 2 lb. striker spring, reduced power firing pin safety spring, and an extra power trigger spring. I ran into numerous failures to feed, light primer strikes, and failures to reset with my 3rd gen Glock 17. While my trigger pull weight was reduced to 2.5 lb with a Scherer 3.5 lb connector, I replaced all of the springs with stock and used a Wolff 4 lb reduced power striker spring (due to my 15 lb. ISMI recoil spring) and the trigger pull weight was 3 lb, a whopping 0.5 lb heavier. I recommend avoiding the ZEV spring kit.
Tuotenro: 100005562 ZEV TECHNOLOGIES TRIGGER SPRING, ONLY Valmistajan tuotenumero: SPR-TRG811745022598 Drop-in-osat tekevät Glock®-pistoolistasi sileän, terävän ja kevyen, mikä auttaa edistämään johdonmukaista, kilpatason tarkkuutta. Vaihda tiettyjä komponentteja parantaaksesi tiettyä osa-aluetta liipaisimen vedossa tai tee täydellinen päivitys. Sopii kaikkiin Glock®-pistooleihin. Tarkasti kalibroidut jousen painot toimittavat johdonmukaisen voiman läpi koko puristus/vapautuskierron tarjoten sinulle kevyen, hienostuneen liipaisimen uhraamatta pistoolisi Safe Action -järjestelmän luotettavuutta. Korkeapaineinen, ilmailuun soveltuva ruostumaton teräsjousilanka on kuumakäsitelty ja kryo-käsitelty tarjoten 99,99% johdonmukaisen energiatuoton, joten liipaisimen veto tuntuu samalta joka kerta. Trigger Spring on lähes 30% voimakkaampi kuin tehdasjousi, mutta vähentää vetovoimaa jopa 1 naulalla parantaen hallintaa. Vähentää myös liipaisimen palautumisaikaa nopeampiin jälkiseurantoihin. Reduced power Safety Spring vähentää laukaisutappiturvallisuuden aiheuttamaa kitkaa, mikä edelleen silottaa vetoa. Striker Spring on suunniteltu parantamaan johdonmukaisuutta ja kestävyyttä tehdasjousiin verrattuna. Saatavilla standardissa tehdasvoimakkuudessa 3-3½ naulan vedolle tai kevyessä mallissa, joka vähentää vetoa vähintään 1 naulalla tasaiseen 2-2½ naulan vetoon samalla säilyttäen luotettavan nallin sytytyksen. Kilpailu Spring Kit sisältää liipaisinjousen, laukaisutappiturvajousen ja standarditehoisen iskujousen.
14.9EUR5314,90 €
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. Yli 10 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Vastuullinen taloudellinen toimija EU-asetuksen mukaisesti
Brownells Finland Oy
Kutojantie 3
02630 Espoo
Tuotenro: 100004108 ZEV TECHNOLOGIES COMPETITION SPRING KIT Valmistajan tuotenumero: SPRKIT811745022512 Drop-in-osat tekevät Glock®-pistoolistasi sileän, terävän ja kevyen, mikä auttaa edistämään johdonmukaista, kilpatason tarkkuutta. Vaihda tiettyjä komponentteja parantaaksesi tiettyä osa-aluetta liipaisimen vedossa tai tee täydellinen päivitys. Sopii kaikkiin Glock®-pistooleihin. Tarkasti kalibroidut jousen painot toimittavat johdonmukaisen voiman läpi koko puristus/vapautuskierron tarjoten sinulle kevyen, hienostuneen liipaisimen uhraamatta pistoolisi Safe Action -järjestelmän luotettavuutta. Korkeapaineinen, ilmailuun soveltuva ruostumaton teräsjousilanka on kuumakäsitelty ja kryo-käsitelty tarjoten 99,99% johdonmukaisen energiatuoton, joten liipaisimen veto tuntuu samalta joka kerta. Trigger Spring on lähes 30% voimakkaampi kuin tehdasjousi, mutta vähentää vetovoimaa jopa 1 naulalla parantaen hallintaa. Vähentää myös liipaisimen palautumisaikaa nopeampiin jälkiseurantoihin. Reduced power Safety Spring vähentää laukaisutappiturvallisuuden aiheuttamaa kitkaa, mikä edelleen silottaa vetoa. Striker Spring on suunniteltu parantamaan johdonmukaisuutta ja kestävyyttä tehdasjousiin verrattuna. Saatavilla standardissa tehdasvoimakkuudessa 3-3½ naulan vedolle tai kevyessä mallissa, joka vähentää vetoa vähintään 1 naulalla tasaiseen 2-2½ naulan vetoon samalla säilyttäen luotettavan nallin sytytyksen. Kilpailu Spring Kit sisältää liipaisinjousen, laukaisutappiturvajousen ja standarditehoisen iskujousen.
26.9EUR2226,90 €
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. Yli 10 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Tuotenro: 100005561 ZEV TECHNOLOGIES FIRING PIN SAFETY SPRING, ONLY Valmistajan tuotenumero: SPR-FPS811745022505 Drop-in-osat tekevät Glock®-pistoolistasi sileän, terävän ja kevyen, mikä auttaa edistämään johdonmukaista, kilpatason tarkkuutta. Vaihda tiettyjä komponentteja parantaaksesi tiettyä osa-aluetta liipaisimen vedossa tai tee täydellinen päivitys. Sopii kaikkiin Glock®-pistooleihin. Tarkasti kalibroidut jousen painot toimittavat johdonmukaisen voiman läpi koko puristus/vapautuskierron tarjoten sinulle kevyen, hienostuneen liipaisimen uhraamatta pistoolisi Safe Action -järjestelmän luotettavuutta. Korkeapaineinen, ilmailuun soveltuva ruostumaton teräsjousilanka on kuumakäsitelty ja kryo-käsitelty tarjoten 99,99% johdonmukaisen energiatuoton, joten liipaisimen veto tuntuu samalta joka kerta. Trigger Spring on lähes 30% voimakkaampi kuin tehdasjousi, mutta vähentää vetovoimaa jopa 1 naulalla parantaen hallintaa. Vähentää myös liipaisimen palautumisaikaa nopeampiin jälkiseurantoihin. Reduced power Safety Spring vähentää laukaisutappiturvallisuuden aiheuttamaa kitkaa, mikä edelleen silottaa vetoa. Striker Spring on suunniteltu parantamaan johdonmukaisuutta ja kestävyyttä tehdasjousiin verrattuna. Saatavilla standardissa tehdasvoimakkuudessa 3-3½ naulan vedolle tai kevyessä mallissa, joka vähentää vetoa vähintään 1 naulalla tasaiseen 2-2½ naulan vetoon samalla säilyttäen luotettavan nallin sytytyksen. Kilpailu Spring Kit sisältää liipaisinjousen, laukaisutappiturvajousen ja standarditehoisen iskujousen.
15.9EUR5115,90 €
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. Yli 10 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Tuotenro: 100005564 ZEV TECHNOLOGIES LIGHT STRIKER SPRING Valmistajan tuotenumero: SPR-STK-2LB811745022550 Drop-in-osat tekevät Glock®-pistoolistasi sileän, terävän ja kevyen, mikä auttaa edistämään johdonmukaista, kilpatason tarkkuutta. Vaihda tiettyjä komponentteja parantaaksesi tiettyä osa-aluetta liipaisimen vedossa tai tee täydellinen päivitys. Sopii kaikkiin Glock®-pistooleihin. Tarkasti kalibroidut jousen painot toimittavat johdonmukaisen voiman läpi koko puristus/vapautuskierron tarjoten sinulle kevyen, hienostuneen liipaisimen uhraamatta pistoolisi Safe Action -järjestelmän luotettavuutta. Korkeapaineinen, ilmailuun soveltuva ruostumaton teräsjousilanka on kuumakäsitelty ja kryo-käsitelty tarjoten 99,99% johdonmukaisen energiatuoton, joten liipaisimen veto tuntuu samalta joka kerta. Trigger Spring on lähes 30% voimakkaampi kuin tehdasjousi, mutta vähentää vetovoimaa jopa 1 naulalla parantaen hallintaa. Vähentää myös liipaisimen palautumisaikaa nopeampiin jälkiseurantoihin. Reduced power Safety Spring vähentää laukaisutappiturvallisuuden aiheuttamaa kitkaa, mikä edelleen silottaa vetoa. Striker Spring on suunniteltu parantamaan johdonmukaisuutta ja kestävyyttä tehdasjousiin verrattuna. Saatavilla standardissa tehdasvoimakkuudessa 3-3½ naulan vedolle tai kevyessä mallissa, joka vähentää vetoa vähintään 1 naulalla tasaiseen 2-2½ naulan vetoon samalla säilyttäen luotettavan nallin sytytyksen. Kilpailu Spring Kit sisältää liipaisinjousen, laukaisutappiturvajousen ja standarditehoisen iskujousen.
14.9EUR3614,90 €
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. Yli 10 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Tuotenro: 100005563 ZEV TECHNOLOGIES STD. STRIKER SPRING Valmistajan tuotenumero: SPRSTK3LB811745022574 Drop-in-osat tekevät Glock®-pistoolistasi sileän, terävän ja kevyen, mikä auttaa edistämään johdonmukaista, kilpatason tarkkuutta. Vaihda tiettyjä komponentteja parantaaksesi tiettyä osa-aluetta liipaisimen vedossa tai tee täydellinen päivitys. Sopii kaikkiin Glock®-pistooleihin. Tarkasti kalibroidut jousen painot toimittavat johdonmukaisen voiman läpi koko puristus/vapautuskierron tarjoten sinulle kevyen, hienostuneen liipaisimen uhraamatta pistoolisi Safe Action -järjestelmän luotettavuutta. Korkeapaineinen, ilmailuun soveltuva ruostumaton teräsjousilanka on kuumakäsitelty ja kryo-käsitelty tarjoten 99,99% johdonmukaisen energiatuoton, joten liipaisimen veto tuntuu samalta joka kerta. Trigger Spring on lähes 30% voimakkaampi kuin tehdasjousi, mutta vähentää vetovoimaa jopa 1 naulalla parantaen hallintaa. Vähentää myös liipaisimen palautumisaikaa nopeampiin jälkiseurantoihin. Reduced power Safety Spring vähentää laukaisutappiturvallisuuden aiheuttamaa kitkaa, mikä edelleen silottaa vetoa. Striker Spring on suunniteltu parantamaan johdonmukaisuutta ja kestävyyttä tehdasjousiin verrattuna. Saatavilla standardissa tehdasvoimakkuudessa 3-3½ naulan vedolle tai kevyessä mallissa, joka vähentää vetoa vähintään 1 naulalla tasaiseen 2-2½ naulan vetoon samalla säilyttäen luotettavan nallin sytytyksen. Kilpailu Spring Kit sisältää liipaisinjousen, laukaisutappiturvajousen ja standarditehoisen iskujousen.
15.9EUR015,90 €
Jälkitilaus, toimitusaika n. 4-12 viikkoa USA:n varastosta.
For A Smoother, Crisper, More Refined Trigger Pull; Drop-In Installation
Drop-in parts give your Glock® a smooth, crisp, light pull that helps promote consistent, match-grade accuracy. Change specific components to improve a particular aspect of the trigger pull, or do a complete upgrade. Fits all Glock® pistols. Precisely calibrated spring weights deliver consistent force through the entire compression/release cycle to give you a light, refined trigger without sacrificing the reliability of your pistol’s Safe Action system. High-stress, aerospace-grade stainless steel spring wire is heat- and cryo-treated for 99.99% consistent energy output, so trigger pull feels the same every time. Trigger Spring has nearly 30% more power than factory spring, yet actually reduces pull by as much as 1 lb. for improved control. Also produces faster trigger reset for quicker follow-up shots. Reduced power Safety Spring reduces friction caused by the firing pin safety, further smoothing the pull. Striker Spring is designed for improved consistency and durability over factory spring. Available in standard factory weight for a 3 to 3½ lb. pull or light model that reduces pull by at least 1 lb. to a consistent 2 to 2½ lb., while preserving reliable primer ignition. Competition Spring Kit contains the trigger spring, firing pin safety spring, and standard power striker spring.
SPECS: Spring stainless steel wire. Fits all Glock pistols.
Sileämpään, terävämpään ja hienostuneempaan liipaisimen vetoon; Helppo asentaa
Drop-in-osat tekevät Glock®-pistoolistasi sileän, terävän ja kevyen, mikä auttaa edistämään johdonmukaista, kilpatason tarkkuutta. Vaihda tiettyjä komponentteja parantaaksesi tiettyä osa-aluetta liipaisimen vedossa tai tee täydellinen päivitys. Sopii kaikkiin Glock®-pistooleihin. Tarkasti kalibroidut jousen painot toimittavat johdonmukaisen voiman läpi koko puristus/vapautuskierron tarjoten sinulle kevyen, hienostuneen liipaisimen uhraamatta pistoolisi Safe Action -järjestelmän luotettavuutta. Korkeapaineinen, ilmailuun soveltuva ruostumaton teräsjousilanka on kuumakäsitelty ja kryo-käsitelty tarjoten 99,99% johdonmukaisen energiatuoton, joten liipaisimen veto tuntuu samalta joka kerta. Trigger Spring on lähes 30% voimakkaampi kuin tehdasjousi, mutta vähentää vetovoimaa jopa 1 naulalla parantaen hallintaa. Vähentää myös liipaisimen palautumisaikaa nopeampiin jälkiseurantoihin. Reduced power Safety Spring vähentää laukaisutappiturvallisuuden aiheuttamaa kitkaa, mikä edelleen silottaa vetoa. Striker Spring on suunniteltu parantamaan johdonmukaisuutta ja kestävyyttä tehdasjousiin verrattuna. Saatavilla standardissa tehdasvoimakkuudessa 3-3½ naulan vedolle tai kevyessä mallissa, joka vähentää vetoa vähintään 1 naulalla tasaiseen 2-2½ naulan vetoon samalla säilyttäen luotettavan nallin sytytyksen. Kilpailu Spring Kit sisältää liipaisinjousen, laukaisutappiturvajousen ja standarditehoisen iskujousen.
TEKNISET TIEDOT: Kevätrakenne ruostumaton teräslanka. Sopii kaikkiin Glock pistooleihin.
Arvioiden lukumäärä: 20
Arvostelut sivustolla: 20
Arvioiden keskiarvo: 3,3
Does the Trick!(2.1.2013)
I gave up on light springs in a Glock: reliability is too important! Glockworx is a quality joint-- feel confident in their products.
Great with reduced striker/safety sprngs(2.6.2011)
This was the only stand-alone trigger spring I could locate (besides factory)that listed some sort of spring rate (30%)greater than stock. As advertised,this puppy INCREASES take-up spring-rate a little(but much less than an Olive NY#1),but gives you a MUCH crisper and consistent let-off,and is A MUST FOR ALL ROCKET 3.5's or any trigger-stop modification,or when replacing striker spring/safety plunger spring with lighter rate springs.Once you lighten striker,plunger springs,Glock trigger safety & possibly even plunger MAY NOT RESET(to safe/lock) WHEN TRIGGER PARTLY PRESSED BUT NOT FIRED AND RELEASED. This Glockworx trigger spring fixes this possible safety issue! I am using with Ghost Rocket 3.5,Lightning Strike Titanium Striker & Plunger (each comes w/a reduced tension Wollf spring),I have also finely polished & rounded all steel internal contact points,and the sidearm retains 100% of its' original safety system functionality,largely due to this little spring,while giving shooter a much lighter and precise trigger(in combination w/other mods.) Wanna' make it even safer (besides empty chamber)? Look at my Lone Wolf Siderlock review.
Nice addtion to any Glock(24.8.2012)
along with the 3.5 lb trigger connector , polished the trigger arm, and striker. and the trigger pull on my G22 has DRASTICALLY improved! highly suggest getting the spring installed with these other upgrades. makes your glock so much smoother.
Failed Part(10.11.2012)
The trigger spring broke after 1,500 rounds. I put the original spring back in and it now has about 5,000 rounds on it. This product is inferior to the OEM part.
Great upgrade(9.9.2017)
I used this 6lb trigger spring in conjunction with a Ghost Evo Connector, which brought my trigger poundage right about 3.7 pounds on average, in my Gen. 4 Glock 29.
Understated value.(5.5.2010)
This spring kit gives your Glock a refined, smooth feel that some might pay three or four times more for. Trigger pull is noticeably more crisp, trigger reset more precise. I installed this kit in my Glock 21 SF and have noticed improved shot groups and quicker controlled pairs. I would highly recommend this kit to anyone wishing to tune their Glock.
Wolff is a better choice(16.5.2010)
Striker spring is too light. I purchased four kits and three of them failed to ignite primers within the first 150 rounds after installation. Wolff spring kits have never given the same trouble. Back to Wolff...
Works as promised(27.6.2011)
works just as promised. Used with V3 race connector and trigger is now 3 Lbs flat with much less pre travel, less spongy feel and relatively crisp break.
Great Kit!(7.12.2011)
Love the kits, put them and either a Ghost or Scherer 3.5lb connector in all 8 of my Glocks. Very smooth and consistent pull all the way through and breaks like glass. Never a problem or failure with the springs to date!!
Outshoot All the Guys at the Range(12.2.2012)
If you want to out-shoot all the guys at the range buy one of these spring kits for each guy.
For every 15 rounds, I get 5 misfires!
I am an Armorer. One of my friends kept asking about this kit so I bought one to try in my G17. Very little, if any improvement in trigger pull and 30+% misfires. Spend your money on practice ammo.
Made a noticeable difference on G-26(16.4.2012)
Reduces the pressure pull on my Glock 17c and 26. Made for a better shooting time especially with the G-26. Easy to install.
Not As Good As....?(20.8.2012)
Have used ZEV's full trigger Kit in a Glock 34 for well over 2 years with shooting a match almost every week. The truth is, NO LW spring set will light every type of primer used ! Can't use Bargain Basement or former Communist Block ammo. Any ammo have loaded using WIN, FED or Fiocchi primers lit Fine & every time. For the record used Wolff LW springs before this and they may even be lighter than these ? Still one has to accept that any LW spring will not last as long as the heavier than needed OEM items. So one needs to have spares on hand and r/r them at an appropriate interval.
Maybe, maybe not?(13.5.2014)
The trigger pull is great after installing this and a connector, but I have one problem. To describe it best, it's like the trigger safety gets "hung" on the Glock frame. I installed two on different Glocks and they both did it. I haven't gotten into a cure yet, but it will take one. I wouldn't recommend to someone who couldn't tweak this.
Careful! This requires some knowledge..(9.2.2015)
So I bought this kit with a 3.5lb connector to put into my Gen 4 19. The kit was easy to install if you know what you are doing, but the firing pin safety spring is black and was a pain to install and ended up losing it; used the factory one instead. The real problem for me is the firing pin spring. This caused some failures when functioned tested with the 3.5lb connector. The failure would lead to whatever magazine slam firing the entire mag when loaded. Also, another failure I found is when you depress the trigger, but then let off, the trigger safety does not reengage. I had to manually pull the trigger body out to get the click. So, because the firearm is for CCW use, I returned to stock. I then used the 3.5lb connector to reduce the trigger pull and I am happy with that.
I didn't think Zev would make crap, so I experimented and installed this kit into my Gen 3, 21C and it worked perfectly. Definitely wouldn't carry for duty use, but it's great to shoot now. Very light trigger pull and pairs are very close.
All in all, it worked out; not for the intended purpose, but it worked.
excellant feel(4.8.2015)
I combined this with a ghost 3.5 connector in my edc g26. Both seem to compliment each other perfectly. Smoother, lighter pre travel and a clean break. For the money its a great trigger upgrade!
striker sping in kit is 2#(13.11.2015)
the striker spring in this kit is 2 pounds, not standard weight as the description says. standard weight would be 5.5 pounds. look up the part number on zev's site to see for yourself. i would not have purchased this if i had known that the striker spring was only 2 pounds. those complaining about trigger problems with this kit might have installed the trigger spring wrong. if hooks of trigger spring are not vertical then they will rub or get stuck inside the housing and prevent trigger reset or cause it to be sluggish.
for some reason this site is not letting me leave a 2 start review but that is what i'm choosing.
O.K. but not great(10.5.2016)
First the spring kit did not come with the three springs as advertised as the striker spring was not included. Second the striker safety spring did not fit as it was too small for my particular pistol. Third the trigger spring felt mushy and required a conscious effort during the trigger press to release the striker. Maybe the second and third reasons are related, I'm not sure. The trigger spring did lighten the pull over the stock spring and had a crisp reset but I just didn't like the break of the trigger.
Ok, but probbaly not needed(12.6.2017)
Installed this along with the ZEV 3.5 connector. Had problems with the trigger reset with the trigger spring. The hooks don't fit right and cause binding and the trigger to not reset all of the way. Put the stock trigger spring in and trigger pull is now great. Maybe some day I'm mess with it a bit, but not now. IMO this spring kit did little.
Unsafe with the Glocks I tried this on.(18.1.2018)
The trigger spring is to long and the safety reset spring did not work. I would not even load a Glock with this set up in it.
I tired it on two different Glocks and it does make the trigger more crisp it's useless when it disables the safety. I went back
to the Lone Wolf 3.5 lb. trigger bar and 6 lb. spring, that's perfect for the average shooter. If you don't spend a good bit of time shooting
and know your firearm well you may not notice the trigger safety reset. I tried this out for my son whom is military and my
nephew who is a sniper on a SWAT team.
The ZEV Competition Spring Kit includes the 2 lb. striker spring, reduced power firing pin safety spring, and an extra power trigger spring. I ran into numerous failures to feed, light primer strikes, and failures to reset with my 3rd gen Glock 17. While my trigger pull weight was reduced to 2.5 lb with a Scherer 3.5 lb connector, I replaced all of the springs with stock and used a Wolff 4 lb reduced power striker spring (due to my 15 lb. ISMI recoil spring) and the trigger pull weight was 3 lb, a whopping 0.5 lb heavier. I recommend avoiding the ZEV spring kit.