Top takeaways
Yhden osan rakenne integroidulla liipaisinkaarella eliminoi puristuskohdat ja parantaa aseen hallintaa.
Valmistettu kestävästä, vahvistetusta polymeerista, joka kestää iskuja, lämpötilan ääriarvoja, kosteutta ja useimpia puhdistusaineita.
Kahvan pohjassa oleva synteettisestä kumista valmistettu tulppa tarjoaa kilisemättömän varastointitilan kahdelle CR-123 varaparistolle.
Toimituksen paino:0,136kg
Toimituksen korkeus:33mm
Toimituksen leveys:157mm
Toimituksen pituus:150mm
Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.y.1
Tekniset tiedot:
Materiaali: Polymer
Merkki: AR-15
Väri: Black
69.9EUR69,90 €
Hintoihin sisältyy ALV, toimitus aina 10€ per tilaus.
Tuotenro: 100004343
Valm.nro: SE1-AR-BL-CR
858193004011 Tehdasasennuksen korvike pistoletkädelle on suunniteltu tarjoamaan taktiselle käyttäjälle maksimaalista aseenkontrollia vähäisellä väsymyksellä. Jokainen osa ampujan ja aseen vuorovaikutuksesta on analysoitu ja testattu parantaakseen USGI A2 -kädentuntumaa ja tarjotakseen ampujalle parhaan mahdollisen kontrollin kaikissa operatiivisissa ympäristöissä. Yhdistelemätön rakenne, jossa on integroitu liipaisinsuoja, varmistaa, ettei käyttäjän sormi jää kiinni suojan ja liipaisimen väliin, ja poistaa muut puristuspisteet. Yli-muovitus, jossa kahva kohtaa vastaanottimen, auttaa pitämään käden tarkasti paikallaan nopeassa liikkuvuudessa, pitkissä valmiusasennossa ja nopeassa tai täysautomaattisessa tulituksessa. Kämmenen pullistus, kaareva takapinta, levenevä pohja eteenpäin suuntautuvalla sormilavalla ja muovattuja karkeita pintoja varmistavat tukevan, stressittömän otteen aseesta. Valettu kestävästä, vahvistetusta muovista, joka kestää iskuja, lämpötilan ääripäitä, kosteutta sekä useimpia puhdistusaineita ja öljyjä. Tiiviisti istuva synteettinen kumitulppa pohjassa voidaan vetää ulos, jotta kahvan sisällä on säilytystilaa. Tulpan sisällä olevat ontelot tarjoavat kolisevasta säilytyksestä vapaan tilan kahdelle vara-CR-123-paristolle. Standardi SE-1 -malli saatavana mustana.
Ergonomic Comfort, Less Fatigue, Maximum Control During Rapid Fire
Drop-in replacement for factory pistol grip is designed to give the tactical operator maximum weapon control with minimum fatigue. Every aspect of the shooter-to-weapon interface was analyzed and tested to improve on the USGI A2 grip and give the shooter the best control in any type of operational environment. One-piece construction with integral triggerguard ensures the operator’s finger doesn’t get caught between the guard and the trigger and eliminates other pinch points. Over-molding where the grip meets the receiver helps keep the hand positioned exactly where it should be during fast movement, long periods in the ready position, and during rapid or full-auto fire. Palm swell, arched backstrap, flared bottom with forward finger ledge, and molded-in stippling further ensure to a firm, stress-free grip on the weapon. Molded from durable, reinforced polymer that resists impact, temperature extremes, moisture, and most cleaning solvents and oils. Snug-fitting, synthetic rubber plug in the bottom pulls out to allow storage inside the grip. Cavities inside the plug provide rattle-free storage for two spare CR-123 batteries. Standard SE-1 model available in Black.
SPECS: Molded polymer, Black. Includes mounting hardware and instructions.
Ergonominen Mukavuus, Vähemmän Väsymystä, Maksimaalinen Kontrolli Nopeassa Tulituksessa
Tehdasasennuksen korvike pistoletkädelle on suunniteltu tarjoamaan taktiselle käyttäjälle maksimaalista aseenkontrollia vähäisellä väsymyksellä. Jokainen osa ampujan ja aseen vuorovaikutuksesta on analysoitu ja testattu parantaakseen USGI A2 -kädentuntumaa ja tarjotakseen ampujalle parhaan mahdollisen kontrollin kaikissa operatiivisissa ympäristöissä. Yhdistelemätön rakenne, jossa on integroitu liipaisinsuoja, varmistaa, ettei käyttäjän sormi jää kiinni suojan ja liipaisimen väliin, ja poistaa muut puristuspisteet. Yli-muovitus, jossa kahva kohtaa vastaanottimen, auttaa pitämään käden tarkasti paikallaan nopeassa liikkuvuudessa, pitkissä valmiusasennossa ja nopeassa tai täysautomaattisessa tulituksessa. Kämmenen pullistus, kaareva takapinta, levenevä pohja eteenpäin suuntautuvalla sormilavalla ja muovattuja karkeita pintoja varmistavat tukevan, stressittömän otteen aseesta. Valettu kestävästä, vahvistetusta muovista, joka kestää iskuja, lämpötilan ääripäitä, kosteutta sekä useimpia puhdistusaineita ja öljyjä. Tiiviisti istuva synteettinen kumitulppa pohjassa voidaan vetää ulos, jotta kahvan sisällä on säilytystilaa. Tulpan sisällä olevat ontelot tarjoavat kolisevasta säilytyksestä vapaan tilan kahdelle vara-CR-123-paristolle. Standardi SE-1 -malli saatavana mustana.
TEKNISET TIEDOT: Muovivalettu, musta. Mukana kiinnitystarvikkeet ja ohjeet.
Top takeaways
Yhden osan rakenne integroidulla liipaisinkaarella eliminoi puristuskohdat ja parantaa aseen hallintaa.
Valmistettu kestävästä, vahvistetusta polymeerista, joka kestää iskuja, lämpötilan ääriarvoja, kosteutta ja useimpia puhdistusaineita.
Kahvan pohjassa oleva synteettisestä kumista valmistettu tulppa tarjoaa kilisemättömän varastointitilan kahdelle CR-123 varaparistolle.
Toimituksen paino:0,136kg
Toimituksen korkeus:33mm
Toimituksen leveys:157mm
Toimituksen pituus:150mm
Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.y.1
Asiakasarviot (17)
4,4 / 5
Suosittelen ehdottomasti
Awesome! 13.1.2014
It feels so darn good in my hand i dont want to put it down. The best grip by far hands down. great quality to.
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Well worth the money 6.1.2014
Very nice and comfortable grip. The grip has all the features you would want. The groves in the grip help keep your hand in the same spot each rime. The elimination of the trigger guard with a more open guard that is an extended part of the grip also covers the gap between the grip and the lower is a big plus in my book.
Suosittelen jossain määrin
Great grip but.. 28.12.2013
This is the second grip I have purchase, made by Stark. I really like this grip a lot. It places your trigger finger parallel with the AR frame receiver straight toward the trigger. The palm swell are ambidextrous. There's also an ambidextrous ledge where your trigger finger or thumb can rest onto. I also like the battery storage in the grip in case my Eotech 512 need a fresh battery. This grip is easy to install. I have the early version of this grip and it is fine. The stippling is good and the area without stippling is somewhat slippery when your hand gets wet. However with the flaring at the bottom of the grip, does prevent your hand from slipping off the grip all together.
Recently I purchased another Stark grip for my new AR build with a nice Armorsoft coating on the grip. The feel is great and it makes the grip less slippery, velvety feel to it. It enhances the gripping factor. The new grip retains it's same characteristics which is great BUT on my new grip, the Armorsoft rubbed off especially around the well opening. I have noticed that when I took the rubber battery holder of the grip, the coating was rubbing off from where my finger was exerting pressure while attempting to remove the battery holder from the grip. I know that Stark Equip makes quality product, this could be one of those that slipped away from QC. I have not use this grip for shooting yet. I'm disappointed with this Armorsoft.
Great product. One small flaw. 3.11.2013
Very ergonomic, and fits nice in the hands. I have smaller hands, but it's still easier to engage and disengage the safety selector switch without moving my hand around to the side. The only gripe I have about this product is since it doubles as a trigger guard, the end piece that sits flush with the magwell didn't sit so flush with my spikes tactical lower. It gave the idea that the magwell was out of spec because the mags would not drop free, but it was because that part was slightly protruding. Easy fix though, just had to take off the grip and file it down a bit so the mags would drop free. I know it wasn't the mags because I tried it with MPAGs, USGI, and mags I had left over from Active Duty and none would drop free. About 30 minutes of extra work for a great product isn't too bad.
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Best grip I have ever used on a AR- A+. 11.5.2013
Most comfortable Grip I have ever used,very easy to install,none slip material is very comfortable,grip angle is very comfortable,will buy them for my other rifles
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Solves a multitude of problems and needs 13.11.2012
I'm buying one for each of my carbines. The benefits?
Do a training class for a while, and any little abrasive surface will start to make your fingers bleed or abrade. This grip eliminates the ones you'll typically encounter while shooting, engaging and disengaging the safety. When the jump recoils, your hand is usually gripping fairly tight - if you're not wearing gloves after a hundred rounds or so your hand will get a few sore spots. Not with the stark. It replaces your abrasive trigger guard, enlarging the area (like the Magpul one) You wont have to replace the buffer assembly backplate, because you can get the PB model to clip on your sling.
It's ultra smooth and changes the angle your hand has in relation o the FCG such that working CQB problems is easier on the wrist and forearm, you wont have to shove your forearm out to the side to ease the pressure on your wrist - at some point fatigue sets in with the other grips if you're 18 you don't notice it, I'm not 18 anymore, the ability to keep my elbows tucked in while maneuvering - priceless. I've met one guy who WANTED to use this grip, but couldn't, the palm swell was too much for his hands (6 feet tall and hands like a 10 year old). Everyone I've introduced this grip to bought one. The newer type has the sticky type finish on it, the older ones are slick, but sweat has never caused me to slip on this grip.
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Very comfortable AR15 Grip 18.6.2012
I was suprised how easy it was to change the grip, it gives the AR a better feel and for me it made it easier to handle.
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My new favorite grip 16.3.2012
Ever since Pachmayr stopped making the rubber grip for the AR (the one that looked like a revolver grip) I have been searching for a replacement. Like the Pachmayr, the Stark grip straightens out the grip angle and is more comfortable on my wrist. It also moves the hand down more and provides a better pull on the trigger for me and is a bit larger than most grips.
Love it!
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Great pistol grip 15.11.2011
I recommend this grip for anyone that is not that skilled at building lowers. I have seen countless lowers damaged when trying to put in the trigger guard roll pin, I have a few under my belt. The grip is very ergonomic and the best aspect is that there is no roll pin installation required!
Suosittelen jossain määrin
#3 Behind ERGO and Hogue 22.7.2011
I received my SE-1 AR-15 Pistol Grip in the mail on Thursday and took it to the police department armorer today (Fri. 7-22) to have it installed.
I have pro's and con's about it but please, it is constructive criticism, not complaining. I took an ERGO grip off to put on the Stark. That is the comparison here.
1. The Stark grip feels larger in diameter than the ERGO. I don't have large hands so for me it is instead of the grip fitting into my hand, it is more my hand has to work to fit the Stark grip.
2. The "grip" of the SE-1 is not as solid to the touch, but more as if it is smooth polished plastic and my hand has to squeeze down on the grip to hold it in place. The ERGO has a more soft rubber material and the friction is there to hold tight with little effort. The Stark seems to require more effort to hold tight. The rippling of the plastic on the Stark is ok, but would be better in conjunction with a soft finish material, not the hard plastic. I tried using a padded bicycle glove as a shooting glove to hold the SE-1 and it helped, but are you going to use a glove everytime you go shooting. What if CQB starts and your glove is in the house? The grip just has a slickness about it, to hard and slippery.
3. I have more than one AR, three have the ERGO grips and one has the Stark. I am able to pick up the ones with the ERGO grip, then put it down and pick up the Stark, all for the purpose of comparison. So far, the comfort of the ERGO is outweighing the Stark.
Today, a friend tried the grip and had a mediocre opinion. The two more friends all held the AR with the Stark and just had no real enthusiastic response. There was no overall, total excitement over the fit and feel of the grip.
I don't know what to say or tell you as to what to do, it looks good and the storage is adequate, but other than that, really nothing.
Suosittelen jossain määrin
Not So Useful for L.E./ Military 30.6.2011
I bought this based on the reviews which are all saying this thing is awesome.. I installed the grip and I kreally liked the integrated trigger guard and the way it indexes my hand lower on the rifle. When I used the grip today in training, I was not happy that the selector can't be operated without having to index my hand and give up a stable firing grip. This may not be a big deal in target shooting, but this is not a practical grip for a tactical enviornment where getting the gun off safe in a hurry could mean your life.
Comfortable Grip 26.4.2011
Seems durable enough so far. Necessary hardware included. Being one piece, it seems to close the gap at the rear of the trigger guard better than the two piece alternatives such as Magpul moe or miad grip w/ enhanced trigger guard. I put a short piece of a bicycle tire innertube over the grip to soften it up a bit and give me a stickier surface in wet conditions. Plug seems to seal well and can house two "123A" batteries.
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Great Pistol Grip Alternative 25.11.2010
I bought this grip for an AR Build, the construction is excellent, it slipped right onto a STAG lower with no gap or play at all. It installs exactly like the factory standard pistol grips that normally come with either lower kits or complete rifles. My only recommendation is to consider this grip before installing the flat style trigger guard so that you do not have to remove the roll pin. Tools required: small flat head screw driver and a hex bit. I used a common house hold bit kit to install the grip in under 5 minutes. EXCELLENT PRODUCT!
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Outstanding Grip 30.10.2010
This grip is the "cure-all" to the AR15 trigger gap. It fits my hand very well and overall looks and finish are top notch. Installation took all of 2 minutes. Only one complaint: Where's the camo version?
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One of the best grips on the market!!! 20.4.2010
Bought this for my wifes AR15 for IPSC & 3 gun matches. Fits well in her smaller hands (she's 5'6" tall) & she loves it. Have just ordered 1 for my other AR as it fits my bigger hands (I'm 6'4" tall). The straighter angle makes keeping your elbow tucked in a lot easier & puts less strain on your wrist.
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Best In Class 25.12.2009
Places your hand perfectly to manipulate all of the controls easily. Hand is placed slightly lower and at a straighter angle. Magpul is now second class. There is even a thumb rest built into (ambi) the grip. Your thumb falls naturally to this position.
Best Grip on the Market today. PERIOD!
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Incredibly comfortable 24.12.2009
This is the best grip I've ever owned. No more killing the middle finger knuckle on your trigger hand. Even better then replacement trigger guards from magpul or others that fill in the gap. Comfort and feeling on the grip is superb. Beats out the magpul MIAD grip set and tango down grips Ive owned before. The only thing is it can sometimes be a pain to take the grip plug out, but I'm sure its for keeping stored valuables in place. Guaranteed switch if you try one and if you own more then one AR, all the grips will soon be replaced.
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Kylmävalssatusta teräksestä valmistettu työkalu kiinnittyy 3/8" käsiporakoneeseen, mikä helpottaa AR-15 ylävastaanottimen pinnan suoristamista.
Auttaa varmistamaan tarkemman piipun ja vastaanottimen liitoksen, mikä parantaa tarkkuutta.
Ylimääräisen pitkä ohjain liukuu pulttikantajan tunneliin ja ylläpitää täydellistä keskittymistä vastaanottimen kanssa.
Kirkkaat itsekiinnittyvät tähtäyspisteet ovat helppokäyttöisiä ja käteviä harjoitteluun ja tähtäimen säätöön.
Korkeakontrastinen, hehkuvan oranssinpunainen väri varmistaa terävän näkymän pienempiin ryhmiin, jopa pitkältä etäisyydeltä.
Oranssit tähtäyspisteet ovat 1" halkaisijoissa ja tulevat vahatulla, kuorittavalla suojapaperilla.
Momenttiavain on säädettävissä 15:stä 70 in-lb:iin 1 in-lb:n välein, estäen ruuvien alikiristämisen tai ylikiristämisen.
1/4" magneettinen kuusikulmainen asema sopii kaikkiin Brownells Magna-Tip -kärkiin ja mukana tulee 6 yleisesti tarvittavaa kärkeä.
Ergonominen, kumipäällysteinen kahva ja itserajoittuva cam-over -kytkin varmistavat tasaisen kiristysvoiman ja estävät ylikiristämisen.