Extra tough patch that is fleeced on one side, natural on the other to get into the cracks and crevices where dirt hides. The heavy woven twill side scrubs well, while the fleece side is super absorbent. Made from 10 oz. per yard, 104 thread count per square inch, flannel glove cotton for durability. Strips are 7/8' x 6' for custom cuts to fit specific cleaning needs and are ideal for loop-style tips. Packaged in bags of 100 or 1000 in a variety of calibers. For really heavy duty cleaning jobs, you need a Really Heavy Duty Patch. SPECS: Extra Heavy Duty Flannel Glove Cotton. 100 & 1000 Packs
Erittäin kestävä flanellikinnaspuuvilla, jossa toinen puoli nukattu ja toinen luonnollinen, tarjoaa tehokkaan puhdistuksen ja nesteen imeytymisen.
Kaistaleet 7/8" x 6" kustomoitaviksi leikkauksiksi, jotka sopivat erityisiin puhdistustarpeisiin ja ovat ihanteellisia lenkkityylisiin puhdistuspäihin.
Pakkaukset sisältävät 100 tai 1000 kappaletta eri kaliibereissa, kuten .223-.224, .243 ja .251.
Extra tough patch that is fleeced on one side, natural on the other to get into the cracks and crevices where dirt hides. The heavy woven twill side scrubs well, while the fleece side is super absorbent. Made from 10 oz. per yard, 104 thread count per square inch, flannel glove cotton for durability. Strips are 7/8' x 6' for custom cuts to fit specific cleaning needs and are ideal for loop-style tips. Packaged in bags of 100 or 1000 in a variety of calibers. For really heavy duty cleaning jobs, you need a Really Heavy Duty Patch. SPECS: Extra Heavy Duty Flannel Glove Cotton. 100 & 1000 Packs
Hintoihin sisältyy ALV, toimitus aina 10€ per tilaus.