Paranna AR-15:si latausnopeutta POWER CUSTOMin suurennettulla lipaslaukaisimen painikkeella! 🔧 Kestävä teräs ja helppo asennus.
Toimituksen paino:0,032kg
Toimituksen korkeus:15mm
Toimituksen leveys:117mm
Toimituksen pituus:208mm
Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.x
Tekniset tiedot:
Merkki: AR-15
54.9EUR054,90 €
Hintoihin sisältyy ALV, toimitus aina 10€ per tilaus.
Tuotenro: 713215003
Valm.nro: NONE
Koneistettu, teräksinen patruunavapautin, joka ulottuu yli puoli tuumaa ja jossa on suurennettu nappi nopeita ja varmoja uudelleenlatauksia varten. Uritettu nappi auttaa estämään liukastumista. Asennus tapahtuu samalla tavalla kuin tehdasosa. Mukana vaihto-osa jousi.
Voi laittaa jälkitilaukseen
Jälkitilaus, toimitusaika n. 4-12 viikkoa USA:n varastosta.
Jälkitilaus, toimitusaika n. 4-12 viikkoa USA:n varastosta.
Large Diameter & Extended Length Ensure Fast, Easy Reloads
Machined, steel magazine release extends more than half an inch and has an oversized button for quick, positive reloads. Checkered button helps prevent slips. Installs just like the factory part. Includes replacement spring.
Suuri halkaisija & pidennetty pituus takaavat nopeat ja helpot uudelleenlataukset
Koneistettu, teräksinen patruunavapautin, joka ulottuu yli puoli tuumaa ja jossa on suurennettu nappi nopeita ja varmoja uudelleenlatauksia varten. Uritettu nappi auttaa estämään liukastumista. Asennus tapahtuu samalla tavalla kuin tehdasosa. Mukana vaihto-osa jousi.
Toimituksen paino:0,032kg
Toimituksen korkeus:15mm
Toimituksen leveys:117mm
Toimituksen pituus:208mm
Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.x
Asiakasarviot (9)
4,1 / 5
Should come with o-ring 20.1.2018
I have several of these and they all have an o ring snapped over them to set under the button. This keeps the operator from depressing button to the point that the mag catch falls out and allows installation without removing the bolt catch. All you have to do is seperate your upper and lower and rock bolt catch back and forth as the latch moves over it the last few rotations, once mag catch is in place snap o-ring over button. Problem solved.
Suosittelen tietyin varauksin
Half done 14.11.2016
Bought this extended button hoping to get more thread engagement in an AR10 lower. Even trimmed side of button to clear raised rib. You cannot thread the button on far enough to keep the mag release from falling out of it's slot when the button is depressed. If this item was 2 piece I would give it 5 stars but it is not so 3 stars it is. Very well made.
No I do not recommend.
Great product 21.3.2015
Like others, i agree machined real nice. Feels good looks good. Sticks out far enough that during mag changes the weight of the rifle is enough to engage the button. The spring weight seems a bit stronger than my original aswell. You will have to remove the bolt catch though, and for that reason i give it 4star rating.
BIG BIG BIG mag release 6.11.2013
I ordered these for two rifle builds. Good quality and finish but are HUGE, I think very ugly also. I am ordering another kind since these are very large and stick out very far from the reciever.
Just beware they are VERY LARGE!
Suosittelen ehdottomasti
Really nice... 4.6.2011
Machined really nice. It does stick out a bit more then the standard mag release button, but I think that was purposely done to make it easier to find in quick situations.
The knurled surface on the oversize pancake button is machined really nicely. No dings or any of the knurling smashed down. Screws on and embeds into lower cavity of magwell really nicely as well. Not tight at all, but not really any slop either. Hole drilled and tapped on oversize button is great, as when botling down, threading didnt catch or stick, which usually means it was a bad machinist job. No, this was pretty smooth.
Just as a note, this works well with the Norgon ambi-catch sold here on Brownells. I bought both for my ar, fits up beautifully. I wouldn't hesitate to put on another ar in the near future I build. Actually, would be one of the first parts I buy in accessories.
Suosittelen ehdottomasti
Nice part 10.4.2010
This is much bigger and easier to use than the stock mag release. I like the fact that it sticks out further than the stock release; it's location feels very natural and intuitive. This works really well in conjunction with the Magppul B.A.D. as well. It is also a nicely made, high quality part.
You will have to definitely remove the bolt catch to install this correctly, but that's only a minor pain for such a useful upgrade.
Suosittelen tietyin varauksin
Emphasis on Extended! 22.3.2010
High quality part. The button head is about twice the size of the stock release. What I didn't plan on was the length of the extension, which is also about twice as "high" as the stock release (3/8" from receiver). This is fine for target shooting or competition...but... as a lefty, when I carry the rifle muzzle down with a two-point sling, the button either stick me in the chest or makes significant contact with a tactical vest and mag pouches. This results in a moderate chance of accidentally dropping the magazine, which makes it a buzz-kill for tactical use.
Must install carefully 29.1.2010
Nice large button. Comes with new spring. Requires removal of bolt catch to install (pain) to screw magazine catch far enough into release button to prevent the mag catch arm from over-extending and rotating. If you don't, you can depress the mag release button too far and the mag catch rotates down (bad in a fire fight, your next mag will just fall out...)
Suosittelen ehdottomasti
Just what I needed ! 5.8.2009
I bought a new R15 rifle in 204 cal. and I didn't notice that the magazine release button didn't work. I took it apart and found it was defective, so I ordered one of these, it got to my home in a few days, simple to install took about 5 min. Better than the Factory release button. Thank You Brownells !
Paranna AR-15:si latausnopeutta POWER CUSTOMin suurennettulla lipaslaukaisimen painikkeella! 🔧 Kestävä teräs ja helppo asennus.
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Laajennettu ja litteä sormituki nopeisiin ja varmoihin lippaanvaihtoihin, erityisesti kilpailukäyttöön ja taktisiin operaatioihin.
Kolminkertainen pinta-ala tehdasvalmisteiseen nappiin verrattuna, 24 lpi -ruudutus positiiviseen ja liukumattomaan sormikontaktiin.
Tarkkuuskoneistettu 4140-teräksestä, lämpökäsitelty kovuuden ja kulumiskestävyyden lisäämiseksi, mattamusta oksidipinnoite.