The Bravo Company BCMGunfighter SOPMOD Stock MOD 0 is an upgraded version of the original BCMGunfighter stock with a SOPMOD profile that gives an even better cheekweld. It employs the same robust, all-steel latch system that provides a superior lock to the receiver extension and cannot be obstructed by dirt or debris. Also like the original Bravo Company stock, the BCMGunfighter SOPMOD Stock MOD 0 is free of protrusions or sharp edges that can snag the shooter’s sling or other MOLLE gear, vegetation, or objects inside a vehicle. Two ambidextrous QD sling swivel sockets, plus a conventional sling attachment slot Integral, color-matched, cushioned recoil pad contoured for natural, comfortable shoulder placement VBOST (Vehicle Borne Operations Sling Tab) to secure the sling against the stock when the carbine is not in use - preferred by folks operating in a vehicle Fits M4-pattern mil-spec (1.14" O.D.) carbine buffer tube (receiver extension) Stock only - buffer tube, buffer, spring, castle nut, endplate not included The Bravo Company BCMGunfighter SOPMOD Stock MOD 0 sets up an AR-15 carbine with a minimal-profile stock that provides excellent support for the shooter.
Parannettu versio BCMGunfighter perästä SOPMOD profiililla, jossa entistä parempi poskipakka, varustettu molemminpuolisilla QD hihnalenkkipaikoilla.