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Tuotenro: 100003144
Valm.nro: MAG570-BLK
873750008226Polymeerista valmistettu 30 patruunan (223/5.56 mm) AR-15 PMAG GEN M2 MOE lipas ikkunalla. Saatavilla kappaleittain tai erissä. Polymeerista valmistettu 30 patruunan (223/5.56 mm) AR-15 PMAG GEN M2 MOE lipas ikkunalla. Saatavilla kappaleittain tai erissä.
Dependable & Nearly Indestructible; Store Fully Loaded Without Loss Of Reliability
Exceptionally rugged, combat- and competition-ready magazine functions flawlessly, even when left fully loaded for extended periods. Corrosion-proof, self-lubricating one-piece body of fiber-reinforced, molded polymer has no spot welds or joints to impair the follower, and the constant internal curve ensures smooth, unobstructed movement of the round stack. Anti-tilt follower stabilizes the stack to help prevent nose-diving and bolt-over-head failures. Heat-treated, stainless steel spring is stress-relieved for optimal performance. Withstands the heat from prolonged full-auto fire and is not harmed by most bore cleaners and solvents. Exterior ribbing provides added gripping surface; magazine catch notch, rather than a traditional hole, keeps dirt and debris out. Easy-to-grasp ledge on floorplate aids in extracting magazine from pouches; floorplate removes easily for cleaning. Curved-body 30-Round model in MagLevel configuration with windows on both sides of the magazine and a bright, orange indicator to display ammo level. All models available in Black.
Luotettava & lähes voittamaton; Store täydessä lastissa menettämättä luotettavuus
Polymeerista valmistettu 30 patruunan (223/5.56 mm) AR-15 PMAG GEN M2 MOE lipas ikkunalla. Saatavilla kappaleittain tai erissä.
Lupa vaaditaan
Luvanvarainen lipas
Lukkolaitteen tyyppi:Semi-Auto
Patruuna:223 Remington,5.56 mm NATO
Toimituksen paino:0,136kg
Toimituksen korkeus:19mm
Toimituksen leveys:114mm
Toimituksen pituus:311mm
Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.d
Asiakasarviot (17)
4,9 / 5
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Awesome Product 24.9.2017
These mags are some of the most used mags on the market due to their functionality, design and durability! This is a wonderful buy and the PRICE is the best I've seen anywhere!
Overall Very Smart 16.3.2016
On one hand, the window here is a bit of a liability - its clear plastic is distinctly shiny, and between this and any gleaming brass and/or the passage of light through a depleting mag, there is always a potential source of some glint that just might grab the attention of an opponent or game animal. However, the window is small enough that the risk of this is pretty low, and the flip side is that the mystery is completely taken out of your round counts. In a brilliant touch, a smear of orange paint is added to a particular point along the spring which coincides with markings next to the window to tell you more-or-less exactly how many rounds you have. The molded-in ribs around the body actually act as markings themselves (for 0, 10, 20, and 30 rounds), with the intermediate numbers (5, 15, and 25) added between them. This narrow bit of color isn't always visible in low light, but otherwise serves its purpose beautifully. Otherwise, the mag is a typical M2, and the reviews on that one should provide you the other relevant details, but suffice it to say that it maintains the PMAG reputation for quality, durability, reliability, and low weight.
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Accept NO substitutes 5.5.2013
There are a lot of magazines out there that may look like P-mags, but these are the best mags on the market at this time in my opinion.
These mags work flawlessly in my Bushmaster, the only down side is that they no longer come with the dust covers like previous versions.
Just a word on purchasing from Brownells. This was a quick smooth transaction on a hard to find item. Items shipped before the credit card transaction posted. A+++
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Dead solid perfect 26.10.2012
Over the past 20 years I've used numerous magazines in my AR15 SP1 but nothing works like a PMag. Prior to January 2011 I had numerous misfeeds but since I began using the PMag not one single one. These mags are the best and I highly recommend them as a quality product and won't think of ever using a different mag.
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Good Kit 27.7.2012
I have been using PMAGs for several years now, and have not had a single failure to function related to a magazine. I have dropped them, rolled around in sand and mud with them, and they just work. If they get a lot of sand in them, I pull them apart at the end of the day and wipe them down, but that's all I do. They just work!
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PMAG 4.9.2011
Wish I had had these 45 years ago so we wouldn't have had to throw TRASH mags at Charlie. I have broken a couple but I have never had 1 jam. They are even better with Ranger floorplates.
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Better than advertized 21.3.2011
I'm a recreational shooter with a Colt AR 15 Model SP1, which I take to the range several times each month. I've been messing around with metal magazines for years until recently, when I became aware of the PMAG's thru conversations with several other AR guys at my range. I bought 2 30 round PMAG's and after several months use, I'm delaring these products to be every bit as good as advertized. I haven't had a single jam or mis-feed of any kind, and they release easily. As soon as I'm finished writing this review I'm going to order 2 more.
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Great Performance 15.4.2010
I bought this Maglevel PMAG to use in both my AR and SCAR 16s. It seated firmly. It functioned flawlessly. It ejected smoothly. It is priced well.
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Best on the Market...Period! 19.2.2010
After over twenty years as a United States Marine "Ground Pounder" I have dealt with my share of M-16/AR-15 magazines. I can absolutely assure you these PMAGs by MAGPUL are the absolute best I have ever seen. Tank tough, light weight, and absolutely reliable. I couldn't have designed one better. After my military career, as a gunsmith, I've worked with hundreds of AR platforms from every maker out there including thousands of different magazines. I am telling you...these are the best; end of story.
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Nice magazine 16.1.2010
As advertised. Very nice item. The dust covers are a little tight and you have to keep up with them. They do snap on the bottom, but I fear they would get lost during rough handling. They do relieve the spring pressure on the lips. You can hear the rounds rattle a bit as they are a dab loose. Testing will see how they hold up.
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Won't quit 9.12.2009
We have been using P-mags (with and without the window) at my agency for our Patrol Rifle program. We can't make them quite. We have used them in M16-A1's, Bushmasters, Colts, DPMS, kit guns, and M16-A1 frankenguns. No magazine related failures. We use them as "mono-pods" and in full-auto 10 inch entry guns. Not a single failure. After completing a week long rifle course I did find the window very useful when repeatedly exchanging magazines. The only down side is the base plate, which is wider than mil-spec. The magazine doesn't fit in some carriers.
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Only AR mag I use 19.11.2009
They're solid, rugged, never any feed problems. I don't fear they will break or dent or malfunction if they get dropped on the ground. They work great.
That all said, they are still just magazines... they can break, they can wear out, springs can wear. But all in all, they're pretty solid and my magazine of preference for my AR's.
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MAGPUL Magazine 13.9.2009
I have purchased several of these Magpul Industries magazines and they have all functioned flawlessly. Never had a jam and like the tight fitting storage cover.
Still selling the old, not the new M 31.8.2009
Glad I only added one to the order, since it was the old PMAG and not the updated M model.
But hey a PMAG is a PMAG, just can't snap the cover to the bottom.
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Magpul PMAG 23.8.2009
Best plastic mag on the market, best mag period on the market. Your bolt will wear out before this mag will. Dirt, dust, oil, grime, I tested mine like they do on-line and it worked every time! I trust mine with my life.
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Great mags 11.8.2009
Very tough and durable and they tell you how many rounds are left at a glance. There is no better AR Mag.
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The best magazine I have used to date... 7.8.2009
I have gone through many types, and even updated older styles with new springs and followers. But if you want the best, Magpuls are it. I like the levels as its nice to see a good approximation on rounds left. Can not go wrong.
Tutustu AR-15 PMAG GEN M2 MOE 30 patruunan lipaasii! 🔥 Polymeerista, kestävä ja musta. Osta nyt ja varmista paikkasi ampumaradalla!
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Alkuperäinen Magpul Ranger -pohjalevy parantaa nopeutta ja hallittavuutta PMAG-lehtien taktisia vaihdoksia varten.
Vahvistettu polymerirakenne, joka on päällystetty liukumattomalla kumilla, suojaa lehteä iskuilta.
Helppo asennus: korvaa tehdaspohjalevy Ranger-pohjalevyllä. Myydään 3-pakkauksissa, mustana.
Lee Universal Decapping Die on valmistettu teräksestä ja suunniteltu poistamaan hylsyn nallit ilman voiteluaineen tai puhdistuksen tarvetta.
Poistaa helposti krimpattuja nalleja ja sopii hylsyille, joiden halkaisija on enintään .550 tuumaa.
Ei suositella käytettäväksi .17-.20 kaliiperin hylsyihin, ja tuotteella on Leen takuu murtumattomuudesta.
SI Carbine Flatwire -jousi pidentää käyttöikää, tasoittaa ampumasykliä ja vähentää AR "twang"-ääntä.
Kryo-käsitelty 17-7 ph -teräs varmistaa suuremman lujuuden, luotettavuuden ja pitkäikäisyyden.
Suurempi lukon kuormitus ja vähentynyt puristusvoima lisäävät syklisen toiminnan luotettavuutta.
Kestävä ja iskunkestävä ruiskuvalettu polymeerimateriaali, joka tarjoaa vankan otteen ja parantaa rekyylinhallintaa.
Sopii Mossberg 500, 590 ja 835 - 12 kaliiperiin, ja asennus vaatii osittaista purkamista.
Pituus 6" (15,2 cm), halkaisija 17⁄8" (4,8 cm), paino 5.5 oz. (155 g), sisältää asennusavaimen.