- Käsi: Right
- Malli: Nylon 66
- Valmistaja: Remington
- Viimeistely: Black
- Toimituksen paino: 0,005kg
- Toimituksen leveys: 83mm
- Toimituksen pituus: 146mm
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.x
66 Bolt Handle 23.10.2014
The only part that came up missing was this part on my 66 .I bought this gun in 1967.I used it for frog hunting and squirrel hunting my first gun was a nylon 66.I was 12 yrs. old I still have this rifle today and it still shoots well.So buy a couple of these and keep them handy I did ...P.S. I bought these about five years ago from Brownells