64131 Grip Force GEN 123 Adapter Black The GRIP FORCE GEN 123 ADAPTER was developed specifically for GLOCK® GEN 1, GEN 2, and GEN 3 series of pistols. It eliminates the drawbacks associated with permanent modifications to your factory pistol. The GRIP FORCE GEN 123 ADAPTER mates completely to the back strap of the GLOCK® frame, permitting the shooter's hand to conform to the frame in a more secure manner. This offers more control and allows the shooter to index the pistol on target more efficiently. 64132 Grip Force GEN 4 Adapter Black The GEN 4 GRIP FORCE ADAPTER was specifically developed to fit GLOCK® GEN 4 pistol in its base "short frame" configuration. The short frame configuration does not utilize either the Medium or Large factory grip panel on the frame. The GEN 4 GRIP FORCE ADAPTER eliminates the drawbacks associated with permanent modifications to your factory pistol. The GRIP FORCE GEN 4 ADAPTER mates completely to the back strap of the GEN 4 frame, permitting the shooter's hand to conform to the frame in a more secure manner. This offers more control and allows the shooter to index the pistol on target more efficiently.
64131 Grip Force GEN 123 Adapter Black GRIP FORCE GEN 123 ADAPTER on kehitetty erityisesti GLOCK® GEN 1, GEN 2 ja GEN 3 -sarjan pistooleille. Se poistaa pysyviin muutoksiin liittyvät haitat tehdaspistoolissasi. GRIP FORCE GEN 123 ADAPTER sopii täydellisesti GLOCK®-rungon takakaareen, mahdollistaen ampujan käden mukautumisen runkoon turvallisemmin. Tämä tarjoaa paremman hallinnan ja mahdollistaa ampujan tähdätä pistoolin kohteeseen tehokkaammin. 64132 Grip Force GEN 4 Adapter Black GEN 4 GRIP FORCE ADAPTER on kehitetty nimenomaan GLOCK® GEN 4 -pistoolille sen perus "lyhyt runko" -konfiguraatiossa. Lyhyt runko -konfiguraatio ei käytä tehtaan keskikokoista tai suurta kahvalevyä rungossa. GEN 4 GRIP FORCE ADAPTER poistaa pysyviin muutoksiin liittyvät haitat tehdaspistoolissasi. GRIP FORCE GEN 4 ADAPTER sopii täydellisesti GEN 4 -rungon takakaareen, mahdollistaen ampujan käden mukautumisen runkoon turvallisemmin. Tämä tarjoaa paremman hallinnan ja mahdollistaa ampujan tähdätä pistoolin kohteeseen tehokkaammin.