- Kapasiteetti: 6
- Patruuna: 45 Auto (ACP)
- Tyyli: Competition
- Määrä: 5
- Toimituksen paino: 0,018kg
- Toimituksen leveys: 83mm
- Toimituksen pituus: 146mm
- UPC: 874218002718
Tuotenro: 965069005
Valm.nro: 69B5
874218002718 Nopeuttaa lataamista/tyhjentämistä S&W 25-2, 625 sekä Colt/S&W 1917 revolvereissa. Uudelleenkäytettävä klipsi pitää kuusi patruunaa kevyessä, helposti ladattavassa yksikössä. Pitää myös kaikki käytetyt hylsyt yhdessä.Too Hard To Use By Hand 14.8.2015
After receiving these I found that I could not load ammo into them without quite a bit more effort than I felt should be required. Plus removing cases from them could not be done without burring up the brass and I actually broke one full moon clip in two trying to remove the cases. Not too sure about the Wilson Combat quality if a 66 year old, 158 pound weakling can do that! I tried them with two different brands of ammo and it made no difference. Subsequently I have been told by Brownells that that is typical of all full or half moon clips, and I need to buy the stripper tool (part number 357-197-000). Me thinks, that maybe that should have been part of the specifications as a recommendation!
Another great product 2.9.2014
Got my hands on a 1918 Webley mark VI that has been converted to 45 acp (found out after research) and ordered these moon clips. They are well made and preform as intended. Before you shoot your Webley do your home work on chamber pressure and have fun shooting.
Kohdattiin virhe tämän sisällön lataamisessa. Päivitä sivu jatkaaksesi. Jos ongelma jatkuu, ota yhteyttä asiakaspalveluumme.