Paranna tarkkuutta kilpailuissa AR-15 NATIONAL MATCH 2-vaiheisella liipaisimella! 🎯 Kevyt rakenne ja erinomainen suorituskyky.
Top takeaways
Valmis, kilpatason liipaisin tarjoaa terävän, 4½ - 5 paunan, 2-vaiheisen liipaisuvedon, mikä parantaa tarkkuutta kilpailuissa tai tuholaistorjunnassa.
Sopii AR-15 vastaanottimiin, joissa on .156" vasara ja liipaisintapit.
Teräs, mattamusta viimeistely. Sisältää liipaisimen ja vasaran tapit.
Toimituksen paino:0,068kg
Toimituksen korkeus:18mm
Toimituksen leveys:127mm
Toimituksen pituus:226mm
Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.c
Tekniset tiedot:
Merkki: AR-15
Tyyppi: Drop-In
189.9EUR189,90 €
Hintoihin sisältyy ALV, toimitus aina 10€ per tilaus.
Tuotenro: 739000011
Valm.nro: AR0093NMK
842834105809 Helppo asentaa, kilpailutason vedin tarjoaa tarkan, 4½ - 5 lb., 2-vaiheisen, vetopainon parantaakseen tarkkuutta kilpailu- tai riistalaukauksissa. Vedinpiste sijaitsee vasaran takana vetopainon vähentämiseksi. Alhainen massa vasara nopeuttaa lukitusaikaa. Mukana vedin- ja vasarapinnit. Sopii AR-15 -vastaanottimiin, joissa on .156" vasara- ja vedinpinnit.
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. 2 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Toimitusaika noin 2-4 viikkoa. 2 kpl. USA:n varastossa
Lightens & Smoothes Trigger Pull For Improved Accuracy
Drop-in, match grade trigger provides a crisp, 4½ to 5 lb., 2-stage, trigger pull to improve accuracy for competition or varmint shooting. Sear engagement point is located behind the hammer to reduce pull weight. Low mass hammer speeds lock time. Includes trigger and hammer pins. Fits AR-15 receivers with .156" hammer and trigger pins.
SPECS: Steel, matte black finish. Fits AR-15 receivers with .156" hammer/trigger pins only.
Keventää ja sujuvoittaa vedinpainetta parantaakseen tarkkuutta
Helppo asentaa, kilpailutason vedin tarjoaa tarkan, 4½ - 5 lb., 2-vaiheisen, vetopainon parantaakseen tarkkuutta kilpailu- tai riistalaukauksissa. Vedinpiste sijaitsee vasaran takana vetopainon vähentämiseksi. Alhainen massa vasara nopeuttaa lukitusaikaa. Mukana vedin- ja vasarapinnit. Sopii AR-15 -vastaanottimiin, joissa on .156" vasara- ja vedinpinnit.
TEKNISET TIEDOT: Teräs, mattamusta pinta. Sopii AR-15 -vastaanottimiin, joissa on .156" vasara/vedinpinnit.
Top takeaways
Valmis, kilpatason liipaisin tarjoaa terävän, 4½ - 5 paunan, 2-vaiheisen liipaisuvedon, mikä parantaa tarkkuutta kilpailuissa tai tuholaistorjunnassa.
Sopii AR-15 vastaanottimiin, joissa on .156" vasara ja liipaisintapit.
Teräs, mattamusta viimeistely. Sisältää liipaisimen ja vasaran tapit.
Toimituksen paino:0,068kg
Toimituksen korkeus:18mm
Toimituksen leveys:127mm
Toimituksen pituus:226mm
Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.c
Asiakasarviot (38)
3,9 / 5
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Amazing trigger, and inexpensive 26.9.2017
I have had this trigger in a rock river lower for 10 years now. The take up is easy, smooth, and not too long. It has a very crisp brake without any creep, or crunching, with a positive and short reset click. I cant remember how hard the pull was brand new, but broken in I consider it a medium-lite pull. Exactly what I want for safe, reliable, consistent shooting. My best guess is 10,000 rounds fired, and lots of dry fire practice. Never had any failures from this trigger, still sitting on the original pins.
I have directly compared it to the Geissele G2s, and found them extremely competitive with one another, and half the price. I'm not a particular fan of Rock River Arms, I had a rock river lower with a defective mag well (too tight), but RRA quickly/easily replaced it without question. I have confidence in this product, and the customer support should anything fail. I absolutely love this trigger!
Perfect for tactical rifle style shooting, and anyone looking for an excellent trigger at an affordable price.
Rock River 2 stage trigger 3.4.2017
When they say "drop in", they should explain that "drop in" means some fitting may be needed. I bought this trigger for my Ruger SR-15. I had to use a Dremmel tool to get the system to clear the safety selector for install. I took the rifle out today for a test run, the trigger makes all of the difference in the world.
En suosittele
rock river 2 stage 7.1.2017
I have a rock river rifle with a 2 stage trigger in it I love it . so that is why I bought this one. but it is nothing at all like what is in the rifle factory. no creep but the pounds is terrible . all I can say it is not the same. would not buy again.
Trigger pull results 14.12.2016
This replaced the factory trigger on my Bushmaster, which had an average trigger pull of 7lbs-13ounces. This unit dropped right in and produced an average pull of 6lbs-13ounces, a reduction of only 1lb. The addition of the JP yellow springs produced a trigger pull average of 6lbs-3ounces, a further reduction of 10ounces. I left it in this configuration. The trigger feels pretty good. I'm used to 2-stage triggers on my high end air rifles, so this was not new to me. But, I was hoping for considerably lighter trigger pull(about 3 1/2 - 4lbs with the JP yellow springs) - which I did not get. The let off feels good, only too heavy at over 6 lbs. This trigger is advertised at 4 1/2 - 5lbs, and I didn't get that with my Bushmaster, even after adding the JP yellow spring. I think I would have been happier with the Jard trigger, and that is what I'll be trying on my other AR-15. It IS an improvement over the factory trigger, just don't expect a significantly lower trigger pull if used in a Bushmaster.
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Great trigger 7.11.2016
This is a great trigger at a great price.
Put this trigger in a custom built target/varmint gun. It ranks up there with a custom trigger job on a bolt gun.
Has no crepe and a short pull excellent trigger
Suosittelen jossain määrin
A little disappointed. 23.9.2016
I've had experience with a Rock River with a 2 stage trigger trigger before and I was highly impressed by the feel and the crisp beak it had. So when I was looking to upgrade one of my AR's this was on my list. After I got it I read the provided instructions and went to work. I've replaced several triggers and everything went together smoothly but didn't function at all. The hammer would not drop no matter what. I had to lightly file down several surfaces on the hammer to get it to release properly. The pull weight must've been close to 10lbs so I ended up polishing some of the engagement surfaces to smooth everything out. I got everything to work but for $120 I'm not satisfied with how much I had to modify in order for it to work.
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Slick 14.9.2015
Purchased this upon the recommendation of my gunsmith and he was spot on. I installed this myself following the directions supplied by Rock River Arms and watching the Brownells video. Unbelievable transformation over the stock trigger. The trigger is heads and shoulders above what I had, just a bit of creep before break and a positive re-set. I am very pleased with the purchase both in value and quality of the part. Easy install and a great upgrade.
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Breaks like a dream 24.4.2015
This is a dream of a trigger if you like triggers with a little uptake before it actually engages; which I do, personally. My AR is a 20'' barrelled, 30 caliber tack driver and the addition of this trigger caused a marked improvement of my groupings, granted the trigger I had in there before was... lets just say bad, but still. great product, very reliable, consistent break, and just feels good to use. 5 stars and two thumbs way, way up
Suosittelen jossain määrin
No more RRA Triggers for me. 16.11.2014
This was the third RRA match trigger I've purchased, as I would have been their biggest fan, however this latest one is nothing like the previous ones...IT'S JUNK. To me it looks like they are made off shore, in Asia somewhere. I definitely will not recommend them to anyone again.
Suosittelen tietyin varauksin
I expected better from Rock River 12.8.2014
The set of parts that I received looked like they just came from the mold that they were cast in, as there was no work done to the mating surfaces what so ever for the hammer hook or to the trigger face. My trigger pull averaged 5 lbs 6 oz. I will have to pull these parts and stone the mating surfaces
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Great trigger 4.2.2014
I used this trigger with a set of JP reduced power springs. After a little filing and polishing I have a consistant 1.5lb pull,for less than half the price of the expensive drop in units. I've put about three hundred rounds through it so far and no problems.
Suosittelen jossain määrin
Caveat Emptor 27.12.2013
I've had this trigger in my lower for about 2.5k rounds now as part of a custom build from a well-regarded shop. While shooting yesterday, the spur on the back of the hammer that catches the disconnector sheared off, allowing the hammer to follow the bolt carrier forward.
Contact with RRA was made, which is when I was informed that their warranty does NOT apply to parts, only their complete lowers, uppers, and assembled rifles. Though an offer was made to address the issue, I was informed that I would have to send my lower to them, and that I would have cover the cost of whatever parts they needed, and shipping in both directions. By the time I added this all up, I'd be most of the way to a new trigger.
It gets more than 1 star because when it was working, it was a significant improvement over a stock single stage trigger. However, like another reviewer above, I've noticed more of them breaking recently, including now mine.
The trigger will be replaced, and not with another RRA assembly.
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Very Happy! 12.12.2013
This is after about 3-4 years of regular use. Installed in my Stag Arms Mdl-1.(Hint here is that the hammer spring goes on top of the trigger pivot pin)At first I had strange trigger lock-ups. After a quick fix, I've had no problems. From first shot it felt better than anything I've ever shot. Smooth and light 1st stage, with short, clean break on the second. No gravel or binding. Anyone that shoots my rifle is impressed with the trigger. Since then, I've seen an explosion in the AR trigger market. I've seen a couple of companies chose to use this one in their production guns. This is a major improvement over the stock triggers.
Great Affordable upgrade 9.12.2013
Although it isn't up there with your top tier triggers, the RRA 2-Stage offers a vast improvement over a stock trigger group for around $100.00.
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Installed on 2011 Colt LE6920 22.9.2013
My Colt LE6920 was the only AR-15 I had that didn't have the RRA NM trigger installed. I was trying to make that stock trigger work but it was just WAY too gritty. Plus I would accidently double-tap while trying to gently squeeze the Colt stock trigger. Maybe I'm just not a single-stage guy? ANYway, this new RRA trigger is just awesome! Me and my 6 year old were able to install it in the Colt in about 5 minutes (after viewing a lot of videos on the internet). The RRA NM trigger is just a huge improvement over that other junk. I'm not sure what you get with the replacements that cost upwardly of $265 but I can't see how they would be better then this. I'm getting 2-5" groups at 100 yards with open sights using the absolute cheapest ammo you can find (Wolf, WPA, etc.). If you're just looking for a better, smooth feel then BUY THIS TRIGGER. You won't regret it. Oh yeah, my 1st AR-15 has this trigger and it's been fired at least 10,000 times (about 8 years old) and it feels just about the same as this brand new one.
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Excellent Trigger 23.8.2013
I have this installed in my patrol rifle. Zero issues and a vast improvement over the stock BCM trigger group. Not sure other brands would be worth the extra expense since I could not afford them on a police detective's salary. This one answers the call just fine.
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Good Trigger For The Money 31.1.2013
I own two of these triggers. My son borrowed my DPMS lower with the RRA NM trigger and along with a borrowed Bushmaster upper he placed #76 at Camp Perry and won his Presidents 100 tab last summer. The other one I own is mounted in a Superior Arms lower with a parted together 6.8 SPC upper that I use for deer hunting. I am able to shoot 1 MOA groups with this rifle from a sandbag rest, and the trigger really helps. I will say however the 2nd stage pull in the DPMS lower is nicer that the one in my Superior lower. I do not know if this is because the trigger in the DPMS is quite a bit older than the other (at least 10 years), or if the lowers have different tolerences, or both. Anyway, I like them both. I have not fired a whole lot of rounds with them so I cannot testify to their durability, but so far we have been very pleased with both.
RRA NM Trigger 10.12.2012
I have two of these triggers. One I would give five stars, the other I would give three. The first trigger was great. After extensive stoning and polishing of the parkerization on the second, I am satisfied. I feel like for the money spent, QC should be much better. That being said, I would buy this product again in a heartbeat.
Good trigger upgrade, but not great. 25.11.2012
I've installed three RRA 2-Stage NM triggers in the rifles I've built for 3-gun competitions without breaking the bank. I purchased all 3 triggers a few years ago, two of them included in RRA lower parts kits back when they were lower in price. Considering what they cost now, there are certainly better triggers for the money.
I've replaced the trigger and hammer springs in all with JP reduced power springs, used rydol boron nitride on the contact points and anti-walk pins. Zero overtravel and all three RRA NM triggers I've installed this way break near or slightly above the 3 lb mark. There is a small amount of uptake before the trigger breaks, but it IS a "2-stage" trigger after all. If you're looking for a high quality "single stage" trigger that is inexpensive, ALG makes 2 great entry level triggers that may be what you're looking for.
En suosittele
Disappointed 29.7.2012
I've been shooting AR15s for 20 years and this was my replacement trigger to replace the stock triggers in my guns. Over the last several years I'm experiencing 50% failures. The triggers wear out, fall out of adjustment and become very very light. A few new guns had less than 500 rounds on them.
I'm pulling all of these out of service and going with another brand. Keeping the triggers oiled and clean made no difference in my guns.
Suosittelen jossain määrin
get what you pay for 11.5.2012
I would give it a single star but it still is an improvement over stock. Certainly is not milspec and and the casting quality is terrible. My RCBS checked it at #7 installed JP reduced power springs and it went 6lbs/2oz. Just not happy with the product and would spend a bit more for a better product. Just visually looking at it gives you an idea of great design but poor execution of materials. Although the hotline will assist. I would not bother.
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Great product for the Money 20.12.2011
I have installed this trigger on all my AR's and many builds for others. I have only had one complaint but it would have been made regardless of the manufacturer of the trigger. I have them in Rock Rivers, Colts, Smiths's and Bushmasters and they function as advertised in all the previously mentioned lowers. Armalite does make a good product but for the money the RRA is a great way to go for the everyday shooter, law enforcement/military, hunter, 3 gunner or whatever, I think you get the point....
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huge upgrade from a stock trigger 26.10.2011
I own several AR's with stock triggers (1 custom) and i have to say i couldn't be happier with this trigger since installing it on my 6.8. Huge upgrade from all my name brand stock triggers, works flawlessly. Now all my other AR's seem to be horrible compared to my 6.8. If your spoiled and want a $300 setup, then buy one, for the weekend guy this ones awesome. You wont regret it.
Suosittelen tietyin varauksin
Definitely a 2-stage trigger 22.7.2011
I used this trigger in an AR build. KNS anti-rotation pins were used in this build.
Pros: It is a 2 stage trigger Installed as easily as any single stage trigger
Cons: Coming from Rock River my expectations may have been too high. Once installed this trigger was heavy (measuring 5.5 - 5.75 lbs), rough, and creepy. All of these attributes can be addressed however the "National Match" or "Match" moniker is really just a marketing ploy. If you really need a 2 stage trigger this one will certainly do the job. However this is not a match grade trigger out of the box and could only be described as ordinary at best.
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Best trigger for the price 17.7.2011
The RRA two stage trigger is the best tactical trigger you can get for the money. The set allows the tactical shooter to make the conscious decision to fire and still provides a clean, consistent break. I own two and have installed many for LE officers and friends wanting a clean trigger without the liability. I have tested mine and they break at about 4 ½ lbs and have never malfunctioned (4000+ rounds). All the units I have installed dropped in without any fitting. This is not a competition trigger and is not adjustable so unless you only shoot from a bench this is a great trigger.
Suosittelen tietyin varauksin
It's a nice trigger with some mods to it 3.2.2011
I tried to install the trigger and found it was binding up. I had to take it to my friends shop and have him mil it down so it would work. Other than that it's a decent trigger for the money. I have never had it fail yet, but the mods that I had to do to it was not worth the money.
En suosittele
Junk! How could they sell this??? 26.8.2010
The first stage of this trigger feels like it is a three stage trigger. It is the worst trigger I have ever felt on any gun; [*] After a disappointing range session, I re-cleaned, inspected and re-lubed it: same problem. On top of all this, the trigger pins they shipped it with were about 0.156, which over-sized my trigger holes a bit... now I'm going to have to order up a locking pin-kit... sheesh!I'm not one to return mediocre products, but I'll be RMAing this kit back to Brownells tomorrow and taking Sarg's advise here and ordering up an Armalite... sure wish Brownells sold them!
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Great all around trigger! 19.7.2010
Very crips, little overtravel, reliable. I cut a pound off the pull weight by using the JP tirgger and hammer light spring kit. Still dead reliable. I use the same lower, and different uppers for a variety of uses, target, varmint, and tactical. This triggger serves all of them very well.
En suosittele
Spend Your Money on Something Else 30.6.2010
Let me start off by saying; for the money there are better triggers out there.
I purchased (4) of these units when Brownells had them on sale. Out of the four units; one unit will not function properly ... about every 4-6 rounds the hammer does not lock back after firing. The other three unit work as advertised though - to an extent. For a match grade trigger, there is a significant amount of build-up and the break is not very crisp. I was very disappointed in their performance. Honestly they are only a slight improvement over the standard tactical trigger.
I would not recommend this product to a friend simply because for an additional $25 they could purchase an Armalite National Match trigger which are hands down one of the best on the market. If you are considering this trigger - save your money for another couple of weeks and order an Armalite Match Trigger ... you will thank me later.
Good product for the price 14.4.2010
I bought this as an upgrade from a standard trigger, and the difference is like night and day. I wouldn't say that it's a true target trigger, but I didn't really expect that either. It was a bit too heavy for my taste, so I changed to JP's lightweight springs (#452-000-007) and polished it slightly. This gave me a smooth, relatively light trigger pull that's probably as good as it's gonna get at this price.
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Very Nice Trigger, Easy to Install 7.4.2010
I have RR that has one of these triggers and I have been really pleased with it. I bought a LMT and hated the trigger, changed it out with one of these and love it. I don't know about other triggers but this one is exactly as others have said, very smooth.
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A reliable Trigger 18.12.2009
Trigger installation is straight forward. No need for lots of tedious adjustments. I have 2 of these triggers to date and plan on buying more. Although these triggers can't compare with the high end, high dollar triggers they do a decent job. I like the lighter trigger weight but the creep is still there. The one thing I like most about the RRA is no misfires. On several of my other triggers with pull weights at 3lb or less I will always get an occasional misfire. This is something you have to live with and with no real threats from my shooting range I tolerate it. But for reliability I would use the Rock River trigger hands down. Brownells has these also at an affordable price.
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Great Trigger 6.11.2009
I have 3 lowers with this trigger. One a completed Rock River I bought, the other 2 are DPMS lowers I assembled. All of them break in the 2.5-4 pound range. The oldest in my RRA lower being the lightest.
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Excellent trigger 6.11.2009
I have this trigger is a competitive AR and find that the first stage is excellent to the 2nd stage resistance pull and then tightens perfectly to firing. Without adjustment it is safe for all users. Professional competitors may want an adjustment feature.
Great value 18.10.2009
I put these on just about every AR type rifle I come across except Colts. They need a large pin version of this excellent trigger. The lack of user adjustments actually keeps end users from creating unsafe conditions
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great trigger 13.9.2009
For the money, these triggers are hard to beat. I put them in just about every AR-15 I come in contact with. I'd like to see a version for Colt diameter pins, but that's the only gripe I've had with these after installing about a dozen.
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A great trigger at a great price. 5.9.2009
This beats the heck out of factory triggers and at a reasonable price.
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Nice trigger 26.7.2009
This trigger made me a 2 stage fan, you take up the slack and add a little more pressure and it breaks clean. For the price you just can't beat it
Paranna tarkkuutta kilpailuissa AR-15 NATIONAL MATCH 2-vaiheisella liipaisimella! 🎯 Kevyt rakenne ja erinomainen suorituskyky.
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Sisältää 10 työkalua, mukaan lukien aloitus- ja tappityökalut, keskityökalu ja erityinen merkintätyökalu.
Kestävä rullakotelo varmistaa turvallisen säilytyksen ja helpon kuljetuksen.
Kahvat ovat 4" (10.2cm) pitkiä ja halkaisijaltaan ¼" (6.3mm) tai 5/16" (8mm).
Deluxe Kit sisältää pidemmän tangon ja kammioiden harjan, joka mahdollistaa perusteellisen puhdistuksen.
Standard Kit ja Deluxe Kit sisältävät pronssisen vastaanotinharjan ja villamopin itsepäisen hiilijäämän poistamiseen.
Deluxe Kitin kokonaispituus on 14¼" (36,2cm) ja Standard Kitin 6½" (16,5cm), mikä tarjoaa vaihtoehtoja eri puhdistustarpeisiin.
Tarkasti mitoitettuina valmistetut korkealaatuiset korvaavat jouset auttavat AR-15:n asianmukaisessa toiminnassa.
Erinomaisia varajousia hätätilanteisiin tai osakiväärin kokoamiseen.
Saatavilla yksittäin tai 3-pakkauksissa, kromisilikonijouset merkitty (CS).