Genuine Factory Original Mags For Reliable Performance
High-quality Ruger® factory magazines deliver optimal performance from your 10/22®, short action rifle, and long action rifle. Molded hard-polymer body, stainless steel feed lips, high-grade tempered spring steel spring help ensure reliable feeding and extra-long service life.
Aito tehtaan alkuperäinen Mags luotettavaa suorituskykyä
Laadukas polymeeristä valmistettu Ruger 10/22 BX-25 patruunan lipas SR-22 kivääriin.
Lukkolaitteen tyyppi:Semi-Auto
Malli:SR-22 Rifle
Patruuna:22 Long Rifle
Toimituksen paino:0,181kg
Toimituksen korkeus:43mm
Toimituksen leveys:124mm
Toimituksen pituus:251mm
Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.d
Asiakasarviot (17)
4,8 / 5
En suosittele
10/22 bx 25 mag by ruger 20.9.2018
Would not feed more than 2 rounds before jamming. Sent back to ruger for exchange. Sloppy fit, loose and just not dependable.
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Ruger Hits a Grand Slam 5.11.2014
I've owned many Ruger 10/22's for over 20 years and have tried every aftermarket magazine from Eaton Supply, Ramline, Blackdog Machine, you name it. Finally Ruger made their own 25 Round Magazine and knocked it out of the park with their first swing. Fantastic!!
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rifle magazines 7.4.2014
finally a factory hi-cap magazine for the 10-22, works well, no problems and easy to clean. Brownell's is a great company too..
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Best bang for your 10-22 magazine buck 26.10.2013
I was a little leery about these mags considering the the horrendous headaches I've had with hi-cap mags from other makers. I have owned seven 10-22s over the years and still have four of them. The aftermarket mags are simply junk. They have not run reliably in any 10-22 I've ever had. I was keeping my fingers crossed that Ruger got this right. Long story short... I no longer own any aftermarket mags. Now it's all Ruger standard 10 rounders, BX-25s and BX-25x2s. I still get the occasional jam, but 1 every few hundred is far better than at least one in every mag. These are also serviceable. A couple of screws and you can clean em and lube em. I've taken apart a few aftermarket mags to clean em. If you do something like that, be prepared to keep super glue or two part epoxy on hand for reassembly. The BX-25... throw the screw back in and you're back in business. Way to go Ruger!
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Best Mag 29.12.2012
I have 2 of these mags and shot well over 1,000 rounds in each, and have not had one problem with them feeding. They feel solid, look great and above all, have been rock solid dependable. Have ordered 2 more just because they are a great mag.
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No misfeeds yet 21.12.2012
Very pleased with the BX-25. No misfeeds yet. Family has three Ruger 10/22s. Fun to plink with. I also use 10 round magazines. I have had a couple of misfeeds with one of them. I would recommend the factory versions over others even though they are more pricy.
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Great magazine 12.10.2012
At first I had constant jamming from these mags, then found out it was the Butler Creek mag loader causing the problem. The mag loader was bending the cartridges causing them to not feed at all. Loading these mags by hand is a little bit slower but they run just fine, no jams at all for me. I have three of them now.
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ruger bx 25 mags 13.8.2012
bought these mags on a sat morning went to desert fired 2 bricks only had 2 failure to feed. it was near the end of the secound brick of ammo. never had a mag work this well before. i even bought the high priced tactical inovation mag that you can adjust each corner of the mag body, but the bx25 just feeds and feeds. i know what kind i will buy. The only shame is i have to leave them at my friends house in Az. because they are not Ca. legal.....(that sucks)HIGHLY RECOMEND THESE TO ANYONE THAT HAS A RUGER 10/22
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FINALLY A GOOD MAG!!!! 15.7.2012
I Built my 10/22 a few years back and have shot probably 8000 rounds through it. In that time I have purchased 5 different mags to hopefully help the intermitent chambering issues. After about 1500 rounds the gun was having issues feeding. Bought a new mag, no change. The only ones that would work were the 10 round factory mags. I tried everything, new springs, polish moving parts, extractors to no avail. Bought this clip and it fired 100 rounds with 1 failure to feed!!! thats awesome out of a 22. Ill be ordering some more soon! If your having feeding problems try this!!!
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This one does it! 7.6.2012
For volume shooters this is a vast improvement. The Ruger BX-25 is tough, well built and can be serviced. I wade into ground squirrel country with 11 mags 5 are Rugers and 6 Butler Creek steel lips. I have been shooting Rem. Gold Tips, with high volume I get excessive stove piping. Now with the Ruger mag. most of that has gone away.
I would say, with extensive use all mags will finally start to gum up and fail to function but with the Ruger you can easily service the interior and get back to work.
I would lastly say there is an easy way to service ALL makes of magazines. Cut the top off of a plastic water bottle, pour in paint thinner slosh the mag around top and bottom. Replace the thinner with isopropal alcohol do the same slosh, air dry or blow dry with air hose and spray Rem Dry Lub. Do not do this with strong solvents or you will melt the glue. Now go back to work!
Remember: be ecology minded, shoot and release!
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Ruger quality 6.5.2012
Tried aftermarket mags for the 10/22 and none feeds as consistently as the genuine deal.
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Good magazine 30.3.2012
A very god magazine runs great
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Slick and reliable 27.3.2012
A wellmade magazine for your backyard shooter, I like the edgeless design and it gives ur rifle a nice look. I have 3 other brands with steelips but this one is the first that truly feed the full 25 rounds with most brand of ammo. Thank you Ruger!
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Most Awesome Ruger 1022 Magazine Ever! 3.2.2012
Took The Mag Apart, Sprayed It With MAGSLIK And Haven't Looked Back Since. It Has Fed What I Put In It. Ruger Should Have Done This Years Ago. I Want Another.
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Flawless.. So far. 27.1.2012
I read a few reviews about this magazine causing jams, mis-feeds, and not stacking properly. I don't know what those people were talking about. These are very easy to break down and clean (two screws). Upon receipt I broke em down and lubed them lightly, then took them to the range and didn't have a single problem. Great mag, it's about time Ruger made their own.
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Best Mag Ever! 4.10.2011
Simple, metal lipped, easy to open and clean, perfect magazine for the 10/22. I have had several others that were similar priced, springs jammed up inside and now their paper weights...
Don't bother with any other 10/22 mag's other than this! This is the one!
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It delivers 3.9.2011
My experience with the BX-25 is except for remington's golden bullets, it will feed anything reliably. Good fit. A little side to side slop, but nothing to worry about. Very easy to take apart to clean. Good, solid construction. Not cheap plastic. Be ready to burn lots and lots of ammo. I have 2 other aftermarket mags which I have not used since I got the BX-25. I do not think I will be using them anymore...
Tutustu Ruger 10/22 BX-25 -lipaseen, joka pitää 25 patruunaa .22LR. Laadukas polymeerinen rakenne takaa kestävyyden. ✨
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
USA:n hallitus kontrolloi näitä tuotteita. Niiden vienti USA:sta on sallittu vain siihen maahan, johon ne on tilattu, ja vain vastaanottajan tai loppukäyttäjän käyttöön. Niitä ei saa uudelleenmyydä, siirtää tai luovuttaa mihinkään muuhun maahan tai muulle henkilölle kuin vastaanottajalle tai loppukäyttäjälle, ei alkuperäisessä muodossaan eikä muiden tuotteiden osana, ilman etukäteen hankittua lupaa USA:n hallitukselta tai muuta USA:n lakiin ja määräyksiin perustuvaa hyväksyntää.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Heavy Duty Guided Decapper Rod on kaliberikohtainen varsi, joka auttaa kohdistamaan hylsyn vähentäen taittumisen tai katkeamisen riskiä.
Yhteensopiva eri kaliiperien kanssa: 17 - 45 kaliiperit, jokaisella oma halkaisijavaatimuksensa hylsyn suulle.
Käytettäväksi Lee Decapping Die 749-001-565 (90292) -irrotustyökalun kanssa.
Valmis asennettavaksi musta pultin pysäytystappi, joka pehmentää metallin ja vastaanottimen välisen metallikontaktin.
Estää halkeamia ja kulumia vastaanottimessa sekä poistaa pultin iskusta aiheutuvan metallisen kilahduksen hiljaisempaa käyttöä varten.
Sopii 10/22 kiväärin ja 10/22 magnum -kiväärin kanssa.
Kestävä polyuretaanirakenne estää pultin ja stoppitapin välisen kosketuksen, eliminoiden pultin takomisen.
Toimii iskunvaimentimena tarjoten sulavan ja hiljaisen toiminnan ilman metalli-metalli -kontaktia.
Sopii vain Ruger 10/22 .22 LR:lle ja on vastustuskykyinen useimmille liuottimille.
Kestävä kuumakäsitelty teräsrunko mattamustalla Xylan-pinnoitteella, joka vähentää kitkaa ja tarjoaa erinomaisen korroosiokestävyyden.
Helppo irrottaa oleva pohjalevy mahdollistaa nopean huollon ja puhdistuksen, ja pyöreiden laskuikkunoiden avulla voit nopeasti arvioida jäljellä olevan ammuksen määrän.
Sopii 9mm AR-15-kivääreihin, jotka hyväksyvät Colt-tyyliset lippaat, ja sisältää lisävoimaisen teräsjousen sekä kestävän teräksisen seuraajan.