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Tutustu AR-15 Billet 7075 -liipaisinsuojukseen 🔧, joka on valmistettu kestävästä alumiinista ja valmis asennettavaksi!




  • Asetyyppi: AR-15
  • Viimeistely: Black
  • Toimituksen paino: 0,014kg


Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.x
  • Tekniset tiedot:
  • Merkki: AR-15
  • Viimeistely: Black
23.9 23.9 1 EUR
23.9 EUR 23,90 €

Hintoihin sisältyy ALV, toimitus aina 10€ per tilaus.

Tuotenro: 078101164

Valm.nro: 7076-0001-4121

AR-15 Billet 7075 -liipaisinsuoja asennusta varten. Mukana rullapultti ja ruuvi asennettavaksi tavallisiin AR-15 alarunkoihin. Koneistettu 7075-alumiinista ja siinä on mattamusta anodisoitu pinta.
Ei saatavilla
Ilmoita saatavuudesta
  • Tekniset tiedot:
  • Merkki: AR-15
  • Viimeistely: Black


Näytä alkuperäinen (englanti)
AR-15 Billet 7075 -liipaisinsuoja asennusta varten. Mukana rullapultti ja ruuvi asennettavaksi tavallisiin AR-15 alarunkoihin. Koneistettu 7075-alumiinista ja siinä on mattamusta anodisoitu pinta.


  • Asetyyppi: AR-15
  • Viimeistely: Black
  • Toimituksen paino: 0,014kg


Made in USA
USA:n vientiluvan tyyppi: 0A501.x


Asiakasarviot (5)

4,6 / 5
Suosittelen ehdottomasti

Brownells USA Very disappointing to me, 8.8.2018

First of all, my title and rating seem incongruous, but they are in fact totally accurate to me. The Brownell's trigger guard is well made, easy to install, and nothing wrong with it other than it is not the look that I wanted, not at all.

When I saw the Brownell's trigger guard at half the price of the Mag-Pul Enhanced aluminum TG, and seemingly shaped the same, I jumped on two of them. I Duracoated them in FDE and installed them on the lower. That's when I noticed the "belly" of the trigger guard is reverse that of the Mag-Pul. To me it looks backwards since all my other TGs are Mag-Pul with the "belly" in the center or or rear of center and below the trigger. The Brownell's has the "belly" forward of the trigger. It might actually work better with gloved hands than the Mag-Pul, but to me it looks bass-ackwards and unacceptable for my tastes. Since I Duracoated and installed them I am not going to embarrass myself asking for a return, but I will be ordering the Mag-Pul immediately. My fault totally, Brownell's clearly shows them with the belly to the front, but I did not pay close enough attention before ordering, but if you are looking for a cheaper priced Mag-Pul style trigger guard, this one is not it. Otherwise, it is an excellent trigger guard, hence the 5 star rating, but for me, I'm very disappointed.

Suosittelen ehdottomasti

Brownells USA Excellent Trigger Guard 30.7.2018

At half the cost of Magpul, this billet aluminum trigger guard is a bargain. Installation is simple and the anodizing matches LMT lowers perfectly. Sure it doesn’t score cool points like KAC, but it permits gloved operation, does not require fitting with mil-spec lowers, and isn’t gaudy like other options. Highly recommended!

Tip: Use coil pins and a starter punch to make trigger guard installations a breeze.

Muut ostivat

Voi laittaa jälkitilaukseen
26,90 €


Valmistajan tiedot

Vastuullinen taloudellinen toimija EU-asetuksen mukaisesti

Brownells Finland Oy
Kutojantie 3
02630 Espoo

Ups! Jotain meni pieleen.

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